Lieutenant T'Pal   

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Character Information
Name   T'Pal
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Security Officer / Consultant
Gender   Female
Species   Klingon / Vulcan
Age   48
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   150 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   Auburn
Physical Description   She is typical Vulcan, cool and her thoughts ruled by logic, especially where her work is concerned. Reliable, precise and thorough, few things escape her sharp perception. She does have strong emotions though, and she doesn't always suppress them. She channels her rage into her work and keeps her violence and passion mostly for the holodeck.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
T'Pal is cold and keeps her Klingon emotions well under control, but has the strong and primal emotions of both her races lurking under the surface. A loner, she has no friends and believes friendship is over rated. She is sharp, well trained and very good at what she does. However, the acts that she had to commit in the line of duty, had not left her without scars.

Her line of work, private or commissioned had left her isolated, but she is not bothered by that fact.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Calculated, focussed and very efficient.

Apart from her own sense of honor, duty and loyalty, she has no conscience or inhibitions.
Not to be captured and serve Federation Ideals, even if it is in her own way. And of course, making good profit from her contracts.
Hobbies & Interests
She uses the holodeck to hone her skills for her work and uses that and other willing partners for persuit of her other pleasures.
Languages   Federation Standard Vulcan, Klingon, Cardassian, some Romulan
Father   B'artak
Mother   T'Neu
Brother(s)   Zarvek
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family  
2341: Born in the sity of Shikahr on Vulcan. Her mother went into an unexpected ponfahr during a diplomatic mission. The Vulcan mission leader confined her to her hotel room, but she managed to seduce the Klignon warrior, supposed to guard her. When he realized what had happened, he fled. T'Neu went back to Vulcan where she raised T'Pal. her husband, Zotar, though he stayed wih her, never truly accepted T'Pal.

2351: Expelled form the Vulcan school she attended, because she started a fight with a young girl, injuring her. She l was then sent to a monastry to be disciplined and trained for a period of 2 years. She stayed for 6 and got more difficult as she got older. She couldn't master the meditation techniques, but her tutors strongly believed that she had the ability, but resisted it. It was during this period that T'Pal became aware of her telepathic abilities. she kept it to herself though.

2357:At a break at home, T'Pal shared her new found telepathic ability with her older brother Zarvek. Since he had the same abilities, he understood T'Pal better than anyone and they became very close. When he got an appointment as a lecturer at a medical university off planet, T'Pal ran away from home.

2359 :T'Pal talked her way onto a rag tag freight ship owned by a human man called Billy Cohan. She stayed for almost 6 years. Here she had to learn to do whatever was necessary to keep the ship going. The crew had to know the ship inside out and T'Pal enjoyed the hard work. She quickly learned that, even in this unrestricted environment, her unchecked temper and emotions had consequences. Cohan was a tough captain and demanded respect from his crew. This is when she started to apply her knowledge of Vulcan meditation techniques and used that and her telepathic abilities to her own advantage.

2361:Due to continual loss of cargo to pirates, Cohan gave in to the Orion Syndicate and and started to do work for them. Starfleet Special Ops infiltrated their crew and T'Pal sensed the deception. Before she could alert Cohan, the officer was able to recruit T'Pal for Special Ops. She never did divulge any information, but used the opportunity to get out of an increasingly dangerous situation.

2361: After a few months orientation at a classified Starfleet Special Operation location, T'Pal had to go through training at Starfleet Academy. Though bored and testing every boundary, she graduated.
Qualified as an agent and assigned to a mentor.

2365-69 Classified

2369: Assigned to DS9 as a security officer, but with a classified mission. She enjoyed working at the station and had a great respect for Odo.

2372Recieved a classified mission during the Dominion war. After the war she was recalled to the Special Ops base and received new assignments. Not even the few people who knew T'Pal at this time, especially Zarvek, had an inkling of what she was doing or what it did to her.

2372 T'Pal went for further Special Ops training at a classified location. She had mastered added telepathic disciplines, received further specialized training in interrogation and investigation. Some of Starfleet's captains who have worked with her, would know that she is a highly trained and skilled assassin.
2373 Unknown - classified
2374 Assigned to the USS Odyssey as Security officer - mission classified

2375 Mission Classified. At this time T'Pal only had restricted contact with her brother Zarvek, who was a lecturer and student mentor at the Starfleet medical training centre.
2380 T'Pal returned to Vulcan to visit her mother for the first time since she left. They made peace. She found out that her step father had died. T'neu revealed her biological father's identity.
2381 T'Pal tried to resign from Special Operations, but it was unsuccessful. They did offer her to be Chief Security on Star Base Portal, with a minor mission, which she accepted.
2381-2383 T'Pal was asked to return back to Special Ops Command when SB Portal was decommissioned, but instead resigned her commission. This time it was accepted and after she had spent some time with her brother at Starfleet HQ, she got a job as a waitress on the USS Porthos.
2383 After an incident in the main lounge T'Pal resigned her job and started the process to be reassigned to Starfleet. Not really wanting to leave the Porthos, she went to see Captain LaValle to ask him if there was any position she could fill. He offered her a position as assistant Chief of Security and shortly after was promoted to Chief.
2384. The Porthos was decommissioned the end of that year and T'Pal was transferred to the USS Freedom as Security Chief where she distinguished herself once again in 2384
2385 While on the Freedom, she was contacted by an old friend to do a hit, which she accepted. Circumstances changed and she did not complete the assassination, but it left her wondering if she didn't miss the life of covert operations. She had made the decision to continue to do contracts when needed and if she was in agreement with the reason for it. In this way she could do private work as well as for Federation Agencies.
She uses DS5 as a base for her operations as a *Security Consultant*.


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