Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal   

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Character Information
Name   Tharek J'trey Getal
Rank   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul
Position   Cardassian Ambassador
Gender   Male
Species   Cardassian
Age   40
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 4”
Weight   164 lbs.
Eye Color   Black/Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Tharek is well groomed, and has an heir of arristocracy about him. He has his hair slicked back and kept obsessively neat. He is of average height, but has an abnormally straight spine, which increases his height further. He would be classed as attractive towards Cardassians, and some other humanoid species, including Humans, Orions and a few Klingons.

Tharek has a single, long scar running down the length of the right side of his face, given to him courtesy of the Romulan Ambassador, Isha t'Khellian.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
He has a fiery personality, and a short fuse to match. He has in past, picked fights with Klingons and the like, for the most minor of things, from the insulting of his cranal ridge, to spilling his drink.

Tharek is the epitome of a typical Cardassian. Ruthless, efficient and ignorant. He is what some people call evil. He calls it 'malevolent diplomacy'.

Tharek has recently gone through certain 'changes' on DS5. He has become a ruthless opponent and respected diplomat. He has regained his old self. The Cardassian self.

Tharek usually keeps a knife in his boot, which tends to come out far too often.
Strengths & Weaknesses
His strengths lay in his ability to analyse the situation at hand, and acknowledge the outcome rather than just the obvious. Tharek pulls his strength by his honed physical and mental abilities as well, from years of training under the Obsidian Order. Another of his strengths is his incredible resistance to telepathic abilities. Tharek has the ability to reject a Vulcan mind-meld, as well as other telepathic 'attacks'.

Tharek has taken his weakness for women and strengthened it. He now tolerates women, and even flirts with them without fainting. Another of his strengths is his finesse with a blade.

His most dominant weakness now would be losing his power or position. Tharek would go insane. Even though he might already be insane...

He also has a weakness for losing, and does not handle it well.
Tharek has gained new ambitions since coming aboard DS5. His ambitions are to rule the station, and provide himself with honour for Cardassia, and the Cardassian people.
Hobbies & Interests
He has no real hobbies as such, just his perpetual training and practising. He never stops. He wants to be the best, and was told by his father that the best never eat, sleep or die until they get the job done.

He loves blades. Swords, daggers, and knives. He's an expert in his own right, and wants everyone to know it. He keeps a weapons cupboard in his office, and fills it with blades won, bought and stolen.
Languages   Cardăsda, Federation English
Father   Gul J'trey Getal (Deceased)
Mother   Glinn Mel'ot Getal (Deceased)
Brother(s)   -
Sister(s)   -
Spouse   Imanil Lemarrev Getal (MIA)
Children   -
Other Family   Legate Delet Loker, Cousin, 33, High Ranking Cardassian Official
Tharek was born in the year 2350, in his family's aristocratic house, laden with trophies, photos, and distinctive shelves, stacked with flowers. Tharek grew up in this house quite quickly, having more of a privileged life in the Cardassian society. He was always a bright and gifted student at school, but always excelled himself and the others around him, often finding it hard to make friends, or even finding a suitable challenge for his work.

He had gone through school like any other normal Cardassian, but always seemed to excel exponentially in his grades and reports. Tharek was brought up in his family's time honoured military tradition as well. He was often encouraged to tag along to ceremonies with his mother and father, watching his father give out medals, and his mother stand there with an exaggerated look of joy on her face.

Tharek was also brought up in the way of war. He would often sit with his father and mother and discuss the inner workings of Cardassian technology and ships. Tharek enjoyed this very much, for two reasons; He found that he loved the inner workings of things, and he rarely got to spend much time with his parents, for they were both part of Cardassian military. His father was a Gul, the Cardassian equivalent to a Captain, and his mother was his Glinn, the same as an XO.

His parents went off one day in the 2360's, during Tharek's early teens. Tharek was used to this, being left with his Cousin, Legate Delet Loker during their absence. But this time was different. His mother and father had gone off to keep the foothold the Cardassians had at a far off world. Tharek still to this day doesn't know the name of the planet. Tharek’s parents had arrived and were ambushed. By several Klingon ships. His mother and father died that day, massacred by Klingon ships. Nothing was left after the Klingon’s had finished.

From that moment on Tharek was educated, protected and brought up by his cousin, Legate Delet Loker. Tharek vowed to avenge his parents some day, and has since gone into a life of military training, intelligence training and diplomatic training.

By the age of 18 he was already the rank of Glinn, and was exceptionally good at what he did. Which happened to be Warfare, tactics and diplomacy. He was given commendations from several high ranking Cardassian officials. One of which, was Legate Domar.

Tharek had been in the Cardassian military for several years, all of which was justified by his various awards and commendations. He was approached on a day in the 2370's by a tall, dark and somewhat mysterious character. He proposed Tharek with an offer: to join The Obsidian Order.

Tharek was shocked with the proposition, but not at all surprised. He accepted, and the next day, he found himself standing in the centre of The Obsidian Order's HQ. An agent there addressed him. Tharek questioned the agent as to why he was chosen to be part of the Order. The agent just replied 'Because, your good at what you do.'

Tharek then spent the remainder of his teenage and some of his adult life working and training for The Order. He never gave up in his training, non-stop; he just kept on training and training. Always wanting to be the best he could be. Thinking of the memory of his mother and father in his head as he was.

He had finished his training completely by the year 2380. He has since then embarked on numerous missions. From sabotaging a Romulan station, to gathering basic Intel on the Federation. Once he had completed his missions he went back into training after failing one mission, he has completed his training, and has yet again, been asked to gather Intel on the Federation, being posted onto Federation station DS5, under the cover of Cardassian Ambassador Getal...

Whilst onboard DS5, Tharek has learnt of the spoils that could be his throughout the Alpha Quadrant. He is planning something big, and something away from Central Commands eyes...


Service Record
-2350: Born
-2350's - 2360's: Education at public school
-2360 - 2367:Trained in Cardassian military. Promoted to following ranks:
:Demoted back to Gil
:Promoted back to Glinn
:Promoted to Gul

2368 - 2369: Appointed Prefect of the Kendra Province

-2370 - 2380: Approached by The Obsidian Order; Engaged in Order Training
-2380 - 2385: Embarked on 7 missions under The Obsidian Orders command:
-Gathered intel on Federation Starbase 42
-Sabotaged Romulan station 21
-Assasinated Commander Mo'rkel (Klingon cruiser CO)
-Sabotaged Klingon starship IKV Firebrand
-Attempted sabotage of Romulan shipyard (Failed mission)
-Gathered intel on Numerous Starfleet CO's
-Gathered intel on Numerous Romulan CO's

-2385: Waiting for mission specs for 'DS5' mission.


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