Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)   

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Character Information
Name   Tasha Ingredia Tahir (NPC)
Rank   Captain
Position   Captain
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   39
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 2”
Weight   140 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel
Hair Color   Brunette
Physical Description   Tasha has a slightly crooked nose, which she received through a punch that landed upon her whilst working in her father’s bar as a Cadet. Her build is average, except for her height. Due to her height, or lack of it, she wears higher than usual heels to give the appearance of being taller and gives the impression that her legs are too long for her body. Her body is slender with highly toned musculature. Her skin is coloured, but not dark.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Tasha appears to be small in stature, but she is big in personality. Well rounded physique and quite attractive. She is very loud mouthed whilst enraged. Tasha is not a jovial person, but does possess a sense of humour. Her hair is usually held back with a hairband.
Tasha is calm and collected, appearing deep in thought. The 34 year old could certainly handle any situation and when under pressure she never loses her temper. She also has a very good ear and is an excellent judge of people. Slim and very attractive. Shoulder length brown hair that naturally curled and always had a healthy shine. She always wears barely enough make up. She trains regularly and is an exceptionally fit individual. She has a fiery temper when roused, has never lashed out physically in temper, but has been known to give a verbal assault or two. Has many friends and equally as many enemies.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Tasha's strength lies in her ability to think through a situation. Her temper gets things done when she raises her voice. She just does her job day to day to the best of her capabilities. She suffers with nyctophobia, and to that end, always carries a small torch in her pocket. She has a strong dislike of colognes and prefers natural scents.
As a child, her ambition was to get married and start a family. She is widowed and no longer wishes to have children as she finds the older she gets, the less patience she has with them. Her hopes now lie in keeping her Command.
Hobbies & Interests
Tasha has no real hobbies, but likes to read occasionally and work out in the Gym by kickboxing. Her latest whim is Jigsaw puzzles, an old Earth pastime, which she found during a holodeck simulation.
Languages   English – then relies heavily on the Universal Translator.
Father   Tariq
Mother   Tallia
Sister(s)   Theresa (2 years older)
Spouse   Roman - Deceased
Children   None
Other Family   Her mothers sister, Arabella, her favourite Aunt.
Tashmallia Ingredia Tahir was born on Earth on the Eastern continent. Her parents brought her up within a strong religious belief, constantly offering prayers to their god. Her mother a scientist and her father a shipbuilder.

At the age of 6 her mother was killed in a senseless street attack and the culprits never found. Her father broke down and she spent 5 months in care whilst he recovered. Her elder sister stayed with her mothers sister, but due to her own frailties, she could not look after the two of them and her sister joined her in the care system, though they were never housed together. This had an affect on Tasha that was to blight her younger years.

Finally after months of wrangling with his own personal demons, their father felt he was able to look after himself and his daughters. He spent 3 weeks seeking the two of them out and despite arguments from Tashas adoptive parents, her father took her from them, reuniting his family and devoted all his time to his daughters.

In school her grades were average, as she never seemed to be able to concentrate on schoolwork. She was teased about her height, being one of the smallest in school and spent her time daydreaming about life after school. It was while in school she had her first crush on the school doctor, as did most of the girls and she then wanted to be a nurse. That was until she found another passion, Caving.

It was whilst she was on an expedition, at the age of 15, that she fell through a crevice and broke her leg. Her friend, fearing she had died in the fall, ran away and told nobody for nearly a week. It was here that she developed her fear of the dark. After her rescue and release from hospital, she sought out her ex-friend and gave him what for, both verbally and for the first time, physically.

When she had turned 16 she enrolled in the Academy. Her first year went well enough, but in the first term of her second year, she got embroiled in an argument with her tutor over her average grades and she was put back a year. Her tutors had consorted and decided that her temper was too volatile. This was correct, as she then, had great difficulty in controlling her temper. She would impulsively react and the person who upset her, would be assaulted both verbally & physically with whatever was on her mind.

This had not favoured Tasha with the tutors and her father was asked, if he wanted her to continue with the Academy, she would have to have anger counselling. He agreed and she spent her spare time in classes, which improved her demeanour and allowed her to continue with only the occasional outburst., though on occasion, she would have to release this anger and would do so by returning to the cave that had enslaved her to her fear of the dark, yelling until her throat hurt.

Tashas’ grades improved so much after she had completed her anger management course, the Academy director, placed her back in the second year. She passed her third year with distinction. Her Senior year in the Academy was spent on Flight control & Tactical awareness.

She met an array of characters, some of whom went on to their own commands and she classes a number of Starship Captains as her friends including teh captain of the USS Bismarck, Kathryn Langley.

After her father retired from shipbuilding, he worked as an Innkeeper and it was here that Tasha found she could talk and blend with people who took her at face value and when the need arose, she could shout & scream to her hearts content. She enjoyed being behind the bar so much that she very nearly gave up her career within Starfleet.

She had met her first love in the bar at the tender age of 19. He was a Flight cadet named Roman Huntharist, who she met at the Academy passing out soirée. Handsome and dashing, he had swept her off her feet. For their first date he had taken her up in his training ship for a quick trip to Mars, pointing out all the star formations and planets. He had landed on the moon and let the earth turn below them and he made conversation of every major city on earth. He had been offered the role as cultural attaché for the Earth senate and promised to take her to all sorts of places throughout the galaxy.

Tasha had served her traineeship upon the USS Dakota as both helmswoman and Tactical officer. She found that she preferred operations and as WPO had taken various shifts. She was quickly promoted to Ensign and served for another 26 months as Operations Officer, gaining a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. She passed her bridge exam and spent several Gamma shifts at Bridge Command.

It was 18 months later, whilst on shore leave, that Roman and she had wed.
6 months later, following Tashas request, she was transferred to Starfleet Operations on Earth. Just 3 weeks after taking up her post, Roman was killed in a terrorist attack on the Senate, which also killed three Ambassadors and a cabinet member.

She had mourned deeply for months and at the time had vowed never to get deeply involved with a man again. She also lost her faith and though not disregarded, she no longer openly displayed religious markings or icons.There was nothing keeping her on Earth, though she had enjoyed her time at Fleet HQ, she longed to be back upon a Starship.

A little over 8 months later she then took up a posting on the USS Resolve as Assistant Chief Operations Officer, where she served for a further 3 Years before being approached to serve on the USS Cardiff in her current position and also to take the added responsabilities of Second Officer. She took up the post with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander and eventually, retaining that rank, became the Cardiff's XO. 6 years later, after a battle in the Denaris system, the Cardiff was so badly damaged that it had to be decommissioned.

She retained the rank of Lt Commander and was placed back in the officer pool and spent her free time contacting various Captains to inform them of her availability. One of the few to respond, was Captain Katherine Langley, who promised to keep her name at the top of her list.

It was only 2 short months before Tasha was awarded the role of Executive Officer on the Ill fated, USS Hunter. Upon her arrival at DS5, she was transferred to XO of DS5. Just a single day later, through exceptional circumstances, she was promoted to Commander of Deep Space 5.

It has been a struggle to retain her Command and keep a grip on such a sizeable vessel and at times, its all uphill. She was recently contemplating a transfer, when news reached her from Earth, which made her rethink her position after she was promoted to Captain and given complete autonomy over Deep Space 5.

DS5 has suffered the normal, and abnormal situations that any Station has over the few years that Tasha has been in command.

Her current quarters are on deck 24, Captains' suite (Room 11)


Service Record
Academy Cadet: July 2366 – June 2370
Internship / USS Dakota: July 2370 - October 2373
Starfleet Operations, Earth: November 2373 – August 2374
USS Resolve (ACOO): August 2374 – September 2375
USS Resolve (COO): September 2375 – September 2377
USS Cardiff (COO/2XO): September 2377 – September 2382
USS Cardiff (XO): September 2382 – January 2384
USS Hunter (XO): February 2384

Leave of Absence May 2387 - January 2387
During this time, Tasha returned to Earth and left the Station to be run by Commander Davies whilst she was a material witness in the trial of an Admiral
During the latter part of 2390 an dearly 2391, Captain Tahir returned to Earth in order to undertake a refresher course, leaving the station under the watchful command of Commander Villiers.

To date: Captain and Commander; DS5


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