Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren   

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Character Information
Name   Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren
Rank   Romulan Diplomat
Position   Junior Attache (ne'Lleifven)
Gender   Female
Species   Rihannsu
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 5”
Weight   110 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Brunette
Physical Description   Rhiana is a very attractive women who has a mysterious personality and a darker appearance which she uses to her advantage when the mood suits it or she feels she can get something out of it that'll help her in the long run.

She has very lovely curves and some interesting dark color dots that are a very rare birth mark. Only one other person in her family has them and it's her mother.

She has long raven black color hair which looks darker when wet. Her dull ice blue eyes that makes her dark appearance a little bit lighter.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Rhiana is ambitious, impatient and greedy. She's willing take risks just to gain that little bit more of whatever it is she's after using someone else to get her their. She lives off of adrenaline hell she works best under pressure.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Ambitious, good liar and the ability to manipulate people and situations
Weaknesses: Impatient, needing to do something to cause an adrenaline rush when she's bored and ambitious
Maybe become an Ambassador one day
Hobbies & Interests
Hobbies: Exercising and art
Interests: Men (or women) and holo-programs (any kind)
Languages   Federation Standard and Romulan
Father   Vaebn ir-Ralatak tr'Riuuren
Mother   Sienae ir-Ralatak t'Riuuren
Sister(s)   Arrenhe, Isha and Ariennye ir-Ralatak t'Riuuren
Other Family  
Rhiana was born on Ralatak one of the major agricultural worlds in the Star Empire in (XXXX) as Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren, the youngest of four children from a well-known family. Throughout her youth the last thing she wanted to do was take over the family business like her father wanted her to do.

After deciding to the Romulan Diplomatic Corps her father decided to teach her daughter everything he knew about dealing with politicians mainly because of being one of the more successful farming operations within the Empire he had to deal with Romulan Senate on multiple occasions. The lessons that her father taught her came easy to her mainly because she enjoyed that kind of environment where lying would get majority of everything you wanted.

When she turned 25 she was accepted into the Romulan Diplomatic Corps and trained to become an Attache. After four years she completed her training and was assigned to the Romulan Consulate on Deep Space Five a Federation Station (XXXX) .


Service Record


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