Lieutenant Mathew Totti   

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Character Information
Name   Mathew Totti
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Chief Diplomatic Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Trill/Betazoid
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   154 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   The usual Trill spots as well as freckles on the nose and cheeks; very clean Black eyes brown hair
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Since being joined with Totti the joining increased his Telepathic and a new telekenetic ability.(For those doing JP's with Mathew ill give you a basic overview of his abilities:
Mind control - That can not be blocked by any training
Ability to control basic computers - eg reading information by mind controlling basic things like lights etc. limited ability
Telekenetic ability (Quite like Kes' abilities in STV Fury but stronger) Able to lift objects etc and push or pull people away from him
And the normal other Betazoid powers.

Mathew is a very happy generous person who likes to fit in and work around what everyone else wants.
Mathew has a good sense of humour but gets bored very easy. he is very reliable and enjoys having fun with close friends.
He is very easy to get on with and trustworthy.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Mathew's Strengths are His ability's to Learn very fast and his knowledge in
Star Fleet History and Science.

none yet
Hobbies & Interests
Mathew enjoys playing clarinet and Challenging himself in difficult situations.
Languages   Federation standard, Betazoid, Trill
Father   J'hal
Mother   Milanis
Sister(s)   Chatellmaz
Other Family  
Mathew was born on Trill but brought up on Betazed as his mother did not like being away from there to long.
His parents are extremely wealthy but Mathew doesn't like wealth.
He has always been described as a bit of a Vulcan when he is in a difficult situation. His empathic-ness makes him able to pick on peoples emotions very easily which makes him easier to get along with. His symbiote (Totti) is a seventh generation trill and has had 2 previous hosts in starfleet (A Tactical and Science Officer) So Mathew has good knowledge in both of those departments.

Encrypted Starfleet file:
Mathew has been trained in a new form of Diplomacy and during that process we found that his physic abilities had greatly increased due to his Joining with Totti and his being betazoid as well. We then trained him and 12 others (mostly Betazoid) at a secret outpost on Betazed for 3 years.

Mathew is a great asset to Star Fleet and only a handful of Admirals and His CO are authorised to know this information.
For any other questions which are answered on a need to know basis or if Mathew is Ever Majorly injured Contact Grand Admiral Nanndor Vinkara.


Service Record
U.S.S Endeavour Chief Diplomatic Officer
U.S.S Ragnarok Diplomatic OPS Officer
U.S.S Artemis Chief Diplomatic OPS Officer

DS5 Chief Diplomatic officer
U.S.S Gladiator Chief Diplomatic officer


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