Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

Character Information
Name   Robert Feinstein
Rank   Lieutenant JG
Position   Chief Operations Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   190 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Standing Tall, he does well. He is average in shape and average in hair length, though he does like his hair shoulder length, for Command Reasons he cuts it to just above the ears, as he tells the barbers.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Well mannered, he has learned alot since the death of his Daughter.
Strengths & Weaknesses
At one point it was to be the Captain that he wanted to be, Now its an officer, something that has purpose and course over the lifespan of the job.
Hobbies & Interests
Swimming, Jogging, Reading, Playing with his Kids and other Kids.
Father   Robert John Fienstein, III
Mother   Julia Anderson
Brother(s)   John Robert Fienstein
Sister(s)   Julia Feinstein
Spouse   Margret Roberta Cornwall (Seperated)
Children   John, Age 6
Other Family  
Robert was a normal kid, Growing up with aspirations of becoming something one day. He lived in a remote part of Montana, not really much technology around compared to places like San Francisco and all, but he knew what a replicator was. His dream was always to be apart of an organization that would help better people. He never knew on the other side of the Replicator was an organization that did just that. When he graduated from what his family considered High School, he set out on a trip that would forever change him. Days later he arrived at the San Francisco Starfleet Academy Headquarters and applied for an Operations Cadet enrollment. After finding out he needed to test he became discouraged, and left, hurt and alone. He had left his family and belongings and came with merely clothes. After finding a job and working for a few months he decided to re-attempt the enrollment. Being Accepted he was on his way to start his new beginning.

His Cadet years were well spent, reading text books, writing papers, and attending the occasional co-ed party trying to find his one. At the end of his 4th Cadet year, he enrolled in an extra year of Cadet Command school, and after finishing that went on to a Cadet Cruise that landed him the role of Cadet Captain. While the ship had its senior staff on board, Robert was given the chance of being the Captain, leading the crew, and helping the members of the Federation, or so he thought. Really it was just a month long patrol around the 7 other planets Circling Earth's sun. It was fun landing on little Pluto, the dwarf planet farthest from the sun. That was an exercise in itself. Finishing his cadet cruise, he arrived back on Earth, aboard the same shuttle as his soon to be wife.

Robert's first assignment came after his first official leave since starting the Academy, a Month long vacation, anywhere the Federation flies, and he chose, Billings, Montana. His home. Never did he think he would miss it in all the world. He visited friends and family, and even tried to persuade his parents to join him on his first vessel, but they chose not too. He left a little broken hearted to see everyone away, but was excited when he found out his first assignment was the USS Victory. The same he commanded as the Cadet Captain! Over the course of 7 years, he served the ship proud. During the first invasion from the Borg at Wolf 359, he was transferred to the Starbase 124, to help with the Operations of the Base, and to better equip future vessels, in the R and D department. He was on record as serving in the Operations, but his real job was building and constructing starships from their former glories to new ones. Using and piecing ships together was now his job.

During his off time he would play and swim in a holodeck, with some of the other junior officers. It was here he met his wife, Margret Roberta Cornwall. They all called her "Ro." She was a beauty. 5'7, 130 pounds, and a beautiful face with blond hair encircling it. He was love locked. It took him 2 months to ask her out, and when he did it was love at first sight. 8 Months later they were married on Earth with his Parents and Her Parents meeting for the first time that day. They were the odd family. His parents from a Casual non-technology used living, and her parents from lead developers at the Starfleet Aimes Institute. He returned to a promotion to Lieutenant, and she returned to a new Job as Doctor on the Station.

Their first year was breathtaking, then came the call when he went home to visit for a Wedding, and she had to stay back to tend to some Diplomatic problems in the Medical Department. She was pregnant with Sarah, their first born. A Daughter, who was by all means the pride and joy of Roberts life. They moved into a larger Family style quarters, and lived there for 3 years, peaceful and energetic. All this time trying to adjust to life on the Station. 3 Years after his daughter was born he was assigned as Chief of Operations on Starbase 124.

2 years after his new assignment he was transferred along with his wife, to the USS Tripoli, his wife had to leave Starfleet at this time to continue living with Robert as they would not allow for her transfer. She became a stay at home mom, and with in a matter of 2 months of the transfer found out she was pregnant again. This time a boy, John, after Roberts dad, who had died in a sudden crash 2 days before his birth. With the Tripoli on a mission near Romulan Space, Robert was not able to make the ride home, and ended up attending via Camera. Not being by his wife's side led to a huge fight that ended up with them separating shortly after birth. Robert, hasn't been able to gain back her trust, and she's been too distant to listen to family or friends.


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