[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Seion
Position   Morale Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Vulcan
Age   198
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 4”
Weight   199 lbs.
Eye Color   Deep brown.
Hair Color   White.
Physical Description   Seion is a tall, slender man with an unimposing stature. His face is set with deep wrinkles, which offset friendly and mild features. Seion has been known to smile on occasion, though his general thought processes remain hidden under the surface. He is an ocean of unrippling steadfastness, both in his appearance and in his mentality, granted to him over the years by age, wisdom and experience.

Seion has a shock of long white hair which comes down past his shoulders and hangs down around him. When he attempts to dress up, he will tie it behind him. Usually, he doesn't care much for appearances. He typically appears in billowing, loose, simple clothing rather than the intricate robes worn by most of his people. He enjoys walking around barefoot.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Seion (pron. "SEY-an") is, like many Vulcans, calm and impassive.

Though, with Seion, it is tempered by a wise serenity and an air of almost approachability. Seion is probably one of the more friendly Vulcans you would meet, and he comprehends the ideology of social tact better than quite a few of his people. Seion is a diplomat at heart, and loves to learn and explore new environments and people. He is approachable, easy-going and simple to get along with. As a young man, Seion was much the same, though the youthful eagerness of his childhood has since been replaced by tranquility.

Not much is known about Seion aside from these points, though in private he has been observed as almost isolated. Seion hurts, deeply, for unknown reasons, and it causes him to become lonely and isolated, the typical trademarks of someone his age. The death of his family has caused a great wound inside of his mind and his soul, one that is likely not to be healed. When asked about his past, Seion will offer the information, though for a Vulcan it always sounds more sad than it should.

Aside, Seion tends to benefit from the pleasantries of contentedness. He is where he wants to be, a time to settle and to move peacefully from this world to the next.
Strengths & Weaknesses
STRENGTHS: Kind, friendly, gives good advice, excellent cook, creates nurturing environments, has been known to "have fun" at times. Seion tends to use his Vulcan heritage to his advantage in cheering up others around him, invoking startling laughter from those who don't expect it out of themselves. Seion has grown accustomed to his emotions, and comfortable enough with himself and his passions to allow glimmers of them to poke through when it is necessary. Seion is approachable, confident and quirky.

WEAKNESSES: Loneliness, difficult to get to know on a personal basis, extremely passionate, stubborn/hard-headed, finds medical doctors unnecessary and avoids treatment for Karok syndrome as much as he can. Karok syndrome is a disorder found in older Vulcans that affects the blood/sugar ratio in the body. It is much like diabetes. He can also be annoying, persistent, and simply strange. He tends to ignore the chain of command, though he will follow orders when it is necessary. Seion sees himself as "outside" the chain of command due to his age, his position and his intimate knowledge of many of the crew.
Seion wants to make others happy. He wants to inspire an environment of caring and fun, something not common to most Vulcans. Seion, during his life, has accomplished many of the things he wished to do as a youth, and feels content in simply living in peace until it is time to move on.
Hobbies & Interests
Seion loves gardening and botany. He has recreated his restaurant in the Vulcan embassy in some key points in his work space. A dirt floor, with growing plants and seeds, some of which he uses to cook home-style meals for the rest of the crew, a throwback to the days of his most enjoyed occupation as a chef. He has trees and flowers and plants growing everywhere. Seion has a large variety of talents and interests, which he has cultivated over the years and are far too numerous to name.
Father   Katrel (deceased)
Mother   Varheni (deceased)
Brother(s)   Syorin
Delin (deceased)
Spouse   T'Vanik (deceased)
Children   Jirana (deceased)
Tyrean (deceased)

Other Family   D'Zeri, Dazhi (grandchildren)
Seion was born in 2187, to parents who were both exobotanists working on a long-term mission to outlying colonies in the Eridani system. Katrel had gone into pon farr and there was no other solution. Eventually, the two parents learned to accept and grow from one another. Seion spent the first seven years of his life growing up among plants and flowers, and the enjoyable comfort of only his parents and their team around him. The isolation was more of a blanket for him at that time and when they decided to leave and return home, Seion was overwhelmed by the massiveness of T'Paal city.

Seion was enrolled into traditional school, where he passed through the years uneventfully. Seion was one who enjoyed the outdoors, and often went away with his parents on their expeditions, where he got to see the vastness of space first-hand. Seion was very much accustomed to ship-board life by the time he graduated his extended courses in the T'Paal education system. Seion took his graduate honors at the age of eighteen, studying diplomacy in secondary school.

In 2205 Seion began as the understudy of a prominent Vulcan diplomat and functioned as a student aide. He was eager, and confident in the way he moved and handled himself, and he ended up attracting the attention of a woman named T'Vanik. Unfortunately, this attention was entirely negative as she saw him as arrogant, conceited and overly cocky. Nevertheless, Seion made it his mission to court her and eventually wore her down eight years later. Their arguments began to become more light-hearted over the years. Seion finally married her in 2213.

The next year, Seion went through his first pon farr and was recalled to Vulcan in the middle of an extremely important diplomatic negotiation event after tossing the table over on one of the negotiators from a promising colony world. The Great Table-Tossing Event of 2214 actually caused the Klingon to agree to some of the stipulations of the proposed border treaty, much to the surprise of all of Seion's colleagues. Seion spent the next year on Vulcan, where, much to his disappointment, T'Vanik lost their potential child due to the complications of her ensuing pregnancy.

At twenty-nine, Seion convinced his wife to travel with him through Vulcan's forge on a pilgrimage to the Hall of Ancient Thought. They spent two years hiking through the forge, and spent many months living amongst the coexisting V'tosh ka'tur who lived in the various caves. T'Vanik and Seion both grew to care for the families living out in the desert forge, and the two came out of the experience in the city of Gol knowing more about themselves than ever before. In 2221, Seion went through his second pon farr at the age of thirty-four, and they spent the time in the cave-dwellings of the desert. T'Vanik nearly died due to inadequate medical attention, and Seion made the rest of the journey to Gol on foot while half-dehydrated and starved, and body flooded with adrenaline. A healer was brought back just in time to save her life, though no one could figure out how exactly Seion managed to find the healer in time.

Nine years later, in 2230 at the age of forty-three, Seion was posted to the Vulcan embassy on Earth as a chef. His wife moved with him, and their infant daughter Jirana also came along. Seion worked as a chef for twenty years at the establishment, creating an earthy, naturalistic environment in his restaurant. His guests were expected to take their shoes off and work for their meals, getting them in touch with doing things naturally as opposed to with a replicator. He watched his daughter grow into a woman, as well as had another child by the name of Tyrean.

In 2250, at sixty-three, Seion was promoted to a diplomatic assistant and given actual duties. He became a prominent figure across the negotiating table, and gradually grew in touch with his emotions more and more.

When Seion was ninety-three, both of his children grown and his wife planning to retire from her career, the three of them were killed in a shuttle accident following their return to Vulcan for their children to visit their grandparents as their grandfather was close to death. Seion was devastated, and couldn't understand what the Vulcan official was trying to tell him. Seion returned to Vulcan to attend their funeral, and spent weeks sitting in the Hall of Ancient Thought after once again returning through the forge. At ninety-seven, Seion had his first pon farr alone. He used a Vulcan chattel, a consort whose professional career it was due to their psionic capabilities to see unbonded Vulcan males through their times. Seion nearly killed the chattel out of a rage that she was not his wife.

In 2284, Seion began studying the kolinahr. The ensuing years are lost to him due to a suppression of his memories of them. He spent ten years at Gol before he was eventually cast away. Instead of growing toward emotionlessness, Seion began to understand his underlying mentality and began learning to grieve instead of burying it inside of him. He took various odd jobs over the next twenty years, visiting those named chattel when it was necessary due to his pon farr. Seion knew that for him, there could be no other. Eventually, he began to understand that there was an oppressive loneliness around him, and no matter what he did to stop it, it always came back.

Instead of becoming reclusive, Seion returned to the Vulcan embassy and took up his old post. He was tempered with age and wisdom, though a tad more shaky than he used to be. Gradually he began to return to the vibrant, lively man he had once been, and as someone much more in tune with their emotions, he seemed to spark interest in the Human generation that visited the embassy. Seion continued to establish his restaurant as the near highlight of the entire embassy itself, something of which he was immensely proud. Ten years into his new tenure, in 2334, a murder was committed outside of his home, something which Seion was questioned in. The man was rather offended, dry humored and calm, something which shocked the police officers. After being cleared, Seion returned to his duties, though noticeably upset over the events that had occurred.

Seion continued his restaurant for another thirty years, watching the halls of the embassy grow and change with old and new colleagues alike. He had many friends, regulars and employees all the same. Seion picked up odd habits here and there, including a penchant for fixing his broken materials himself due to the unreliability of Human engineers. In 2354, Seion turned his restaurant into its own separate entity, and began teaching martial arts classes to some of his regular customers' children. It was an odd combination in the building, but Seion was widely regarded as an odd man. This was his life, something he had grown and nurtured and worked for as long as he could remember.

In 2381, Seion was approached by a Starfleet recruiter for a possible counseling position. Though Seion turned it down, he was intrigued by the possibility of starship service and he enrolled in an Earth university to begin taking courses. In 2385, Seion was posted on Deep Space Five as a morale officer and junior counselor.


Service Record
T'Paal university
Diplomatic student aide
Diplomatic assistant
Gol adept
Restaurant owner
Martial arts instructor
Yale university
Deep Space Five - morale officer

((any way you could give him a blank medical rank thing? :} - h))


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