Chris Morgans   

Character Information
Name   Chris Morgans
Position   Administration
Gender   Male
Species   Venution
Age   28
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   125 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Medium toned atheletic build with short 'Roman styled' cropped hair and an easy smile.
Faded scar from left temple down to his upper cheek (can only be seen up close). Slight limp with his left leg (only noticable to close scrunity).
Personality & Traits
General Overview
A quiet and aloof figure, often overlooked socially and in work - which is fine by him. Always hangs back and steers away from crowds. Often found in the promenade drinking alone wtaching the ships arrive and depart.
Lacks self confidence and ambition - at a loss. Is a loyal and comitted friend but is difficult to make friends with.
Slow to anger and will avoid confrontation but when his anger is aroused he is often brutal - quickly overcoming opposition ruthlessly and efficiently.
Strengths & Weaknesses
A master tactician and weapons officer with a contradicting love for astro-pyshics. Lacks direction, ambition and self confidence.
-to find a place in the universe to call home.
Hobbies & Interests
Tridimensional chess master, martial arts, surfing, moutain climbing, abseiling, reading, pod racing.
Languages   Trill, Human.
Father   George Morgans
Mother   Dr. Cassie Morgans: 2nd Medical Officer, USS Thayer.
Brother(s)   n/a
Sister(s)   n/a
Spouse   deceased
Children   deceased
Other Family   n/a
Born and raised on Earth (UK) for 5 years until mother joined Starfleet at which point Chris became a 'Starfleet brat' growing on one federation base or starship or another until he met and married Malaya, a trill science officer assigned to the USS Endeavor. Malaya resigned her post where they both married and settled on a Trill sub-colony.

Little isknow of the attack. The raiders, whoever they were, left barely a handful of survivors, one of which was Chris Morgans. After his recovery and learning of his family's death, Chris has just drifted...


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