Marine Captain Alexander Locke   

Character Information
Name   Alexander David Locke
Rank   Marine Captain
Position   Company Commander
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   35
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   175 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Alexander stands at 6 ft tall he has a large muscular build and extreme physical fitness.

A marine Officer who also teaches Physical Training to both his Enlisted and Officer Candidates
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Alex is one of very few Officers who gets to know his men he feels that you must know those you fight alongside.

He is an Officer who is quite strict when it comes to discipline but also likes a joke and is very laid back. During his he has learnt alot of combat moves and is a master of unarmed combat.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Alex takes a keen interest in the well being of his soldiers and feels it his mission to know all about them. His cool manner keeps him safe under fire.

He does however tend to over complicate things and mis judge the situation
Commandant of Starfleet Marine Corps
Hobbies & Interests
A fan of old earth video games and television shows.

He also enjoys Sharp shooting and Ice Hockey
Languages   Andorian English Vulcan Klingon
Father   Steven
Mother   Fiona
Other Family  
Alexander was born November 3rd 2352 in Manchester England he is the son of Brigadier Steven Locke and Fiona Locke.

He followed in his fathers footsteps and entered the Academy for Officer training in 2368 at 16. He graduated at 20 and was assigned to the 50th Marine Division as a platoon leader.

He saw a lot of action in the Dominion War earning a lot of awards for valor. After the war ended in 2375 he was reassigned to Cardassia as part of the peace keeping force serving with the 9th Battalion 6th Marines until 2380.

In 2380 Alex and the 2nd Platoon were ordered to investigate a freighter operating outside Ferengi space upon investigation it was discovered that several Marines were involved in the plan to smuggle weapons with Naussican Pirates, the Platoon Commander was one of the suspects he was arrested with the help of his First Sergeant. Alexander recieved a promotion to Captain.

In 2384 the Roughnecks needed an XO Alex took the job on Serenity shortly after arriving he quickly became the CO of the platoon.

By 2385 Alexander had become an Officer for hire and took any position that he was required for.


Service Record
2368-2372: Starfleet Academy

2372: 2nd Lieutenant 50th Marines

2373-2375: Platoon Commander during the Dominion War recieved several awards for valor.

2375-2380: 9th Marines peace keeping force on Cardassia promoted to Lieutenant

2380: Promoted to Captain after uncovering a smuggling operation

2384: Marine XO 'Roughnecks'
2384: Marine CO 'Roughnecks'

2385: Awaiting reassignment


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