UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari   

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Character Information
Name   Cyi Ainari
Rank   UFP Ambassador
Position   Special Envoy
Gender   Male
Species   Deltan/Ullian
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 0”
Weight   167 lbs.
Eye Color   Hazel/Green
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Lightly tanned complexion. Cyi has a medium athletic build. He has light tanned complexion with a effortly sexual aura, a tell-tale sign of his Ullian genetics. He usually wear his hear long in the front to cover this.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
The only son of the Ullian Ambassador and the Deltan Special Envoy to Ullia, Cyi was born to be a diplomat. Very slow to anger and extremely careful with his word choice, Cyi has endeared himself to most of his superiors. He is very skilled at putting people at ease and still accomplishing his goal.

His relaxed comfortable appearance hides a trained diplomat and sharp thinker. He always thinks of the widespread implications of his actions. He has the ear of several UFP Council members and several in the Cabinate of the UFP President. He was slated to be named an Undersecretary but after a classified incident was transferred to DS5, a tactical political move.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Very attractive. Very observant. Fluent in 11 different languages {Federation Standard, Bajoran, Ferengi, Deltan, High and Lower Orion, Andorii,Vulcan, Rihannsu, Klingonese, Ullian, and is the only non Tamarian fluent in their language.}. Trained in Ullian Memory Retrieval, and the more difficult Memory Removal. Exceptional telepath.

Weakness: No engineering or technical knowledge. Has a fear of weapons and sees violance as a last resort. Athletic but solely from sports. No formal combat training.
UFP President
Hobbies & Interests
Loves music and sports
Father   Amb. Duanr Ainari of Ullia
Mother   Amb. Keni of Delta
Brother(s)   None
Sister(s)   None
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Uncle: Kennnr Kter; Delta Councillor - United Federation of Planets
As the UFP Special Envoy to Deep Space 5, Amb. Ainari seeks to deepen and expand the partnerships that the United Federation of Planets has pursued with representitive Nations represented there.

Mr. Ainari has also served as Deputy Associate Counsel to the UFP President, focusing on Interstellar Law. Mr. Ainari worked with the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps Staff in developing and reuniting the Letter of Understanding with the Trill. Before joining the UFP State Department, Mr. Ainari was a member of the legal staff for the Cardassian surrender. Mr. Ainari previously served as a Trial Attorney at the UFP Department of Justice. Earlier in his career, Mr. Ainari was a legislative assistant on the Federation Council Judiciary Committee, where he focused on interstellar security-related issues.

Mr. Ainari received his J.D. from Ullia Law School, where he served as an editor of the Ullia Law Journal. Upon graduation, he served as a Law Clerk to his uncle who was then on the Ullia High Courts. Mr. Ainari also earned his Master’s degrees in Public Administration (Vulcan School of Government) and Lingusitics from Spock University. His academic writings have focused on interstellar security, constitutional law, and civil liberties.


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