(G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian   

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Character Information
Name   Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Rank   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander
Position   Commanding Officer IRW Dhelan
Gender   Female
Species   Human/Romulan
Age   33
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 4”
Weight   120 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Rianni is an around average sized half Romulan female with black medium length hair cut into a stylish asymmetrical pixie-bob. She has 3 rings in both ears, and a Dragon tattoo around her
left ankle.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Rianni has been conflicted her whole life about her heritage, having been born to a Romulan father and a Greek Earth mother. This conflict and the fact that she always felt she was looked at differently because of it has always pushed Rianni to work harder than others in her position, even though she felt she was working twice as hard for less than half the reward. She still manages to be fun, a good sport, and open to her crewmates.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Standard, Romulan, Klingon, Vulcan, Cardassian, Bajoran
Father   Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian
Mother   Eleni Monteros, CWO (RET)
Sister(s)   Lt. Ashara R'Vek th'Khellian
Spouse   Divorced 3x
Other Family   Gregori Monteros, maternal grandfather, Isha t'Khellian, paternal aunt
Rianni's story begins even before her life does, when her mother, then PO2 Eleni Monteros' ship, the USS Coral Sea, was disabled and boarded by the Romulans.

An attractive young woman,not yet twenty-one at the time, Eleni was victimized repeatedly by Romulan soldiers until a Tal'Shiar agent, who's identity Eleni never revealed, stopped them, killing one in the process. While Eleni and her crew spent the next two years as prisoners of the Romulans the two continued a romantic relationship, which led to him negotiating the release of the Coral Sea's crew from Romulan custody and to Rianni's conception.

Eleni Monteros gave birth to their daughter less than a month before they were released, Rianni was born in the Romulan camp. While a very few considered Eleni Monteros a traitor most understood that her relationship with the Tal'Shiar agent was beneficial to the crew as a whole, including her Captain, who promoted her to CPO for bravery above and beyond the call of duty upon their return to the Federation.

Rianni's father's fate is unknown, whether he simply left Eleni and forgot about his human family or he was killed or imprisoned by his Romulan colleagues is a matter for debate.

Rianni learned to fly as a young girl after her mother was reassigned to the Starfleet Archaeological Research Center in Athens, Earth. Taught by her Grandfather, who made his living as a private transport pilot, Rianni was outflying experienced fighter jocks by the age of 13, actually winning latinum from several Federation aces in simulated dogfights. She entered the Academy at 17 and after her graduation was assigned to a ground based fighter unit on Bajor. She scored the first Federation fighter kill against the Dominion during the war and by war's end had scored 50 and earned several promotions and awards.

Rianni's personal life has been decidedly less successful than her professional one, by the age of 28 she had been married, and divorced, three times. Her three marriages total up to less than two years and she has had immense trouble in maintaining a healthy relationship with anyone, as such she's become extremely career focused, shunning any romantic relationship longer than a one night stand.


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