Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

Character Information
Name   Augustus Maxentus Cyphadrus
Rank   Arrival
Position   Civilian
Gender   Male
Species   Terran/Betazoid
Age   31
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   194 lbs.
Eye Color   Green
Hair Color   Dirty Blonde
Physical Description   Augustus' form is average except for a slight asymmetry in his abdominal muscle structure which developed as a result of a severe injury, and a scar on his left calf. His hair is slick, but easily disheveled. Augustus would have been stockier if it weren't for his Betazoid heritage. His paternal great grandmother was betazoid. As a result of this; he has an involuntary ability (an instinct/intuition) to sense deviations from normality in both people and strangely some inanimate objects. Cause for the second occurrence became apparent after a significant event in his life (described in history).
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Augustus has a very calm aura about him. Despite his life experiences, he developed into an admirable person. People who treat him with respect will always receive it. Conversationally, Augustus is a man of fewer words than most, however many attest that he says more in one sentence than most could hope to say in a paragraph. Despite having a mild personality in both speech and posture, telepaths say that he is quite adventurous and vibrant in the mind; expressing ideas and afterthoughts, even premonitions at a startling rate. One could say he uses his partial telepathic powers to more efficiently organize his thoughts. Despite his personality profile, Augustus is far from boring. Give him a little adrenaline or synthohol and he can be as heroic or surly as anyone.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths - Augustus has mild telepathic powers that give him an improved intuition. His experience has made him a very sociable leader among his fellow officers. His knowledge and ability to learn have compensated for his unlengthy time in the field. Even though it is not official training, Augustus has large amounts of experience in the art of small-arms weapons.

Weaknesses - Augustus may be able to interact well when he controls the situation and knows what outcomes are possible, however when others bring unexpected factors into the equation he finds it difficult to take a stance if the correct course of action isn't obvious. This is due to his personality which sometimes deadlocks itself in the decision making process. To quickly resolve such issues, he tends to defer to the wisdom of specialists.
Augustus one day hopes to get a position of greater responsibility. He's always had an interest in leading others, and hopes to do so even past his command. His injury sustained at the second Borg invasion of Sector 001 left him with a thirst for the soulless blood of the Borg. His intimate knowledge of the Borg and close combat have led to him developing weapons and tactics less prone to being countered by adaptive technologies. Despite successes, his ideas have never been popularized with mainstream developers.
Hobbies & Interests
Augustus enjoys playing low-g golf with friends and family when he has free time. His childhood on Luna left him with an appreciation for the sport. Most of Augustus' hobbies are related to his passionate desire to destroy the Borg. He is searching for a spouse to settle down with in his later years but he enjoys the hunt for one more. Augustus is an amateur analyst of 21st century battles fought on Earth. Despite his role in the fleet, he finds understanding warfare in all its aspects to be his duty and obligation. His interest in old style land, sea and air combat have led him to develop new, unique concepts of space combat derived from obsolete tactics most modern commanders have long forgotten, thus reproving their effectiveness.
Languages   English, French, and Latin, and is learning Efrosian and Halanan
Father   Octavius Regulus Cyphadrus
Mother   Samantha Rosenthall Cyphadrus
Brother(s)   Julius Regulus and Xin Nidell Cyphadrus
Sister(s)   Atia Chiara Cyphadrus
Spouse   None
Children   None
Other Family   Marissa Rosenthall (Maternal cousin), Maternal Grandparents reside in San Francisco: Sasha and Robert Rosenthall (both retired astrologists).
Augustus Cyphadrus was born in McCoy University Hospital near Lake Armstrong in the Apollo Province of the Lunar Moon Colony. Augustus' mother, Samantha Rosenthall, and father, Octavius Regulus Cyphadrus, were both currently serving in Starfleet at the Daystrom Institute's Earth Station Galileo just outside the Kuiper Belt. Marissa served as Liaison to foreign dignitaries visiting the station and Octavius was the Senior Astrologist serving as the Chief Science Officer.
Growing up Augustus was the only minor living on the station. Despite a lack of peers he managed to integrate himself well into the daily lives of the scientists on-board. Being the sole student and also being surrounded by some of the most brilliant minds in the solar system, Augustus received a great education. As he grew, it became apparent that universities back on earth wanted to shape him into a career intellectual. While growing up the only real activity to occupy himself with was holodeck. The station population was always determined to work and didn't have enough combined free time to have a holo-picnic even if they wanted to. This left Augustus with a big amusement schedule. For the 10 years of his young adult life, Augustus occupied himself in the action packed military history of the 20th and 21st centuries, participating in D-Day, Vietnam, Desert Storm and even the Bell Riots of 2024. As a result of his childhood, Augustus wished to travel the stars and fight the good fight. When he was 18, he declined offers from benefactors in the scientific community and enrolled at Starfleet Academy. Augustus' years at the academy were only slightly challenging, graduating eregia cum laude. During spring break of his senior year, Augustus was caught hiking in an Extra-Vehicular Suit on Lake Armstrong when the Borg attacked for the second time. 3 miles to the nearest air-lock and with communications jammed he could not get out of harms way immediately. His attempts to make it back to the city were almost futile. Just as he approached the edge of the crater lake he was struck by shrapnel debris from the annihilated borg cube. Fortunately he was all in one piece but his suit had a tear and his leg a gaping flesh would on his left calf. Regaining his faculties he made it back to the airlock before a large piece of debris from a starfleet vessel crumbled the rockface of the crater rim he was wounded on. By the time Augustus reached the inside of the airlock and closed it his suit was completely depressurized and his leg wound was exposed to the elements of the space battle that had made their way into the airlock with him. As the capillaries on his extremeties began to burst he managed to hit the re-pressurization sequence on the control pad. 3 days later Augustus found himself back at McCoy University Hospital with a doctor telling him he was infected with a minimal dose of borg nanites, several thousand of which had entered his brain. The miniscule amount of nanites; however, had already begun replicating and assimilating his immune system. Measure were taken to purge the nanites from his body as quickly as possible. He spent a month in recovery, receiving gene therapy to repair the damage inflicted on his nervous and immune systems. Nobody has been able to draw any conclusions of what the borg nanites managed to do before being destroyed. Some speculate that they affected Augustus' telepathic powers, which could explain his mental affinity with certain technologies. If this is even true, it is not a powerful ability seeing as Augustus is barely telepathic. Augustus spent the last few days at the academy with relative ease, aside from the occassional worrisome glances from fellow students. With a newfound sense of his mortality and an even greater desire to "repay" the Borg personally, Auustus began his Starfleet Career.


Service Record
Augustus' first assignment was serving as Admiral T'Sevek's Adjutant for 18 months. In that period Augustus was mainly responsible for tying up the loose ends of the destruction the Dominion War caused in T'Sevek's jurisdiction. Augustus was then transferred to the Eutopia Planetia Shipyards on Mars where he served as Chief of Personnel for two years. After several construction projects had ended, Augustus was rotated out of active duty and given an extended 6 month shore leave. During this period he went between visiting his relatives on earth and taking odd-jobs at Starfleet Command whenever help was needed. Afterwards Augustus was assigned to the command of a newly formed colony along the romulan boarder. He managed starfleet personnel planetside and the upkeep of the entire colony. A permanent civilian governor to the colony was elected when Augustus was transferred to the USS Cavalry. Onboard the USS Cavalry (TF47), Augustus served as Chief Engineer for a short time but was quickly promoted to ships XO. Serving as Commander Montcolm De Marquis' XO gave Augustus more experience than any other assignment he had in the past. Commander De Marquis resigned and Lt.Cmdr. Augustus was transferred to Task Force 72-B and assigned as the USS Athena's CO. More than a year after being promoted to Captain, the Prometheus vessel he commanded was tasked with determining the borders of Borg space in the Delta Quadrant. While returning in a runabout from a survey of the debris from the Transwarp Hub USS Voyager destroyed, Augustus watched helplessly as the Athena went through the final stages of assimilation by a wolf pack of Borg vessels. Nothing could be done but return to Federation space. There, Augustus was debriefed and ordered to take leave from active duty, pending psychological evaluation.


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