Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar   

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Character Information
Name   Turrel Kapek G'mar
Rank   Cardassian Gul
Position   Captain of The Surge
Gender   Male
Species   Cardasian
Age   32
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 1”
Weight   178 lbs.
Eye Color   Black
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   Turrel would be considered by Cardassian standards to be handsome. He strongly thinks that good looks get a person father in the universe, as such he keeps his body in top physical condition and grooms himself meticulously. Rarely would you find him with a loose strand of hair.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Turrel is noted to be very aggressive at getting what he wants and is quite happy to step over people to get it. He has a very calm demeanour and rarely lets anything but a smile etch on his features. He is quite capable of violent acts against others if he deems it necessary, but would rather destroy their careers through subterfuge as a suitable means of dealing with others. As he puts a lot of stock in networking connections; he strongly believes in being friendly with everyone he meets, rationalising that he might need their help someday. Turrel has extreme difficulty in trusting anyone, often putting them through some sort of test to prove themselves. To those who fall into the favoured category, he is considered an open book, even to the point that he would tell them if he was about to betray them.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Military Tactician
+ Outgoing
+ Emotionally in control

- Disstrusting
- Vengeful
- Aggressive
Turrel would be considered to be very ambitious. He desires nothing more than to have a fleet of his own ships and to have controlling power over the Cardasian military.
Hobbies & Interests
Turrel loves to meet new people, often he can be found in the local lounges trading stories with all sorts of people. In his spare time he dabbles in the ancient histories of a number of foreign cultures. He has been known to have links to the black market as he actively searches for rare antiquities to add to his personal collection
Languages   Cardasian, Federation Standard English, Also a number of long extict dialects
Father   Kell G'mar
Mother   Korinas G'mar
Other Family  
He grew up much the same way as any other Cardassian child. From an early age he had desired to grow up to be the most powerful Legate and command armies into battle for the betterment of the Union. The harsh realities set in, however, as he came to realise that such positions were given only to those with strong political connections or were affiliated in some way with the Obsidian Order. His parents were no help concerning his dreams as the only connections they had were in the local food industry. Both of Turrel's parents ran a small family bakery that provided them with enough income to be considered middle class.

Education wasn't Turrel’s strongpoint. Often he would skip classes as he found most of the studies were of no use to him. He did, however, take a strong interest in political sciences and diplomacy classes. Along with these he had found a strange fascination with ancient history studies, which later became his strongest academic hallmark. He was considered popular during his school career; people seemed to gather themselves to him due to his relaxed and calm demeanour, not to mention that he would never be considered a threat as his family was of no concern to those who had lofty ambitions. Still, he made friends with those of every caste and was never far from them if they were in need of a strong mind, or a strong fist.

The realities of life took their hold when he came of age to join the Cardassian military. Without a sponsor, there would be no way for Turrel to ever gain a rank beyond "Garresh" (Starfleet equivalent of a non-commissioned officer). Since his family had no political affiliations, Turrel saw little use to joining. His dreams were reduced to ash when he finally resolved himself to working in the family business.

One day, while at the bakery, he was approached by a school friend and asked to keep tabs on his neighbour’s movements for a week. When he questioned why the response was "If you want a sponsor you'll do well to ask few questions and act on what is requested of you." Turrel was confused by what his friend had said but agreed to the terms. After a week of noting irregularities in his neighbour’s patterns he delivered the report to his friend. The next night his neighbour simply vanished with no notification. Turrel instantly suspected that his friend was in fact part of the Obsidian Order, though never had a chance to ask him as his friend, too, disappeared without word.

Turrel didn't get clarification on what his friend said to him until after two months had passed. In the mail he was sent an application form for the Cardassian military and a personal letter of sponsorship from a very influential Legate (An influential Admiral in Federation terms). Turrel wasted no time as he sent in the application form that day.

The early days of military training flew past easily despite Turrel’s consistently low marks in the academic areas. He didn’t realise it at the time, but the letter of sponsorship he had received acted like an all access pass to his schooling. Marks that legitimately should have been lower were bumped up to achieve the class average by the staff. The combat training was like second nature to Turrel and he needed no free pass to score excellently in both physical combat and interstellar maneuvers. His teachers noted an exceptional mind for combat tactics and diplomatic relations.

His social life was oddly enriched, people seemed to flock to him as much for his outgoing personality as for his strange political affiliations. Even the military personnel seemed to take a special interest in Turrel’s advancements. This came to the fore when one day his old friend surprised him again with a visit. During the conversation it was confirmed that he was of the Obsidian Order, as was a number of his current military friends. The Order was willing to further Turrel’s career substantially if he was willing to work in their behalf from time to time. Turrel agreed to the terms.

His career was fast tracked after that point and within a few years he was serving as a "Gil" (Approximately an Ensign by Starfleet standards) aboard a Galor class battleship.

It was during this posting that the Obsidian Order was disbanded. Turrel was crushed. All of his former contacts that had paved the way for his career were no longer able to help him. By this point, though, he was already an enlisted officer serving on a priority class vessel. He knew that if he was going to have his own ship one day that it would be by his hand, so he had to be aggressive to get what he wanted.

When the Dominion war broke out Turrel viewed it as an opportunity to really shine. He offered his combat expertise on a number of occasions for his “Gul” (Approximately a Captain) and it saved their ship a number of times from destruction from enemy forces. Their Dominion allies showered the Gul with praise over his battle tactics, and Turrel was given little regard for his involvement. He didn't care for the accolades of the Dominion, however, as the only praise he lavished was that of his Cardassian brothers.

This came to the front when the battle of Cardassia was being waged at the end of the war. When the Cardassian armada turned sides and fought against their Dominion allies, the Gul of Turrel’s ship refused to follow suit. He insisted that they follow the Dominion and reap the rewards for staying loyal. Turrel watched in the view screen as another Galor class cruiser was cut to pieces by a Dominion Dreadnought and shook his head at the atrocity. With a completely stone face he pulled out his pistol and killed the Gul where he sat in the command chair. The entire bridge lay silent from sudden act of violence as if to underscore the war being waged outside the ship. Turrel simply returned his weapon and looked expectantly at the ships "Dal" (Commander) to make a decision on who to fire at. The Dal simply nodded and ordered the assault on the nearby Dominion ships.

Following the war, precious few command positions were offered. The Cardassian armada was all but destroyed and the population was decimated by the Dominion "glassing" of their home world. Word spread quickly about the actions of Turrel on his ship and many were disinclined to have him serve aboard their vessels. The few positions he did receive were aboard smaller vessels.

However, his reputation for being a quick thinker and aggressive tactician soon overshadowed his past actions and greater command responsibility came with it. Soon people were looking to beg upon his time and ask for political favours. Without even knowing it, Turrel had stumbled his way into the world he had always dreamed of, where his word carried some weight...Now all that was left was commanding his own fleet.


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