Commander Richard Dunham   
[ On Extended Leave of Absence ]

Character Information
Name   Richard "Duke" Dunham
Rank   Commander
Position   CAG Squadron Leader
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   29
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 9”
Weight   157 lbs.
Eye Color   Grey
Hair Color   black
Physical Description   Black Raven hair with a white lock along the left hand parting. Grey eyes. Tall athletic build. Slight chin stuble. Slightly wiry frame
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Rick Is easy going and perhaps a little to relaxed for his peers. Chilled and calm he does not anger easily.....Accept when flying when he can get brash and hot headed. This has got him several reprimands on his record.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Rick is an excellent pilot with top Academy marks his hand eye co-ordination has managed to get him out of a few scrapes. He has always been a hot headed when it comes to flying and has on occasion lost his wrag in flight.
To one day be CAG.
Hobbies & Interests
Rick has always had an interest in aviation and its history. He enjoys making models from wood of old historical planes. He is also an amateur historian specialising in the battle of Britain. He practices and studies Buddhism. Dunham also has a soft spot for all things junk food and enjoys reading arthurian legend.
Languages   Human Basic
Father   Eric Dunham
Mother   Margaret Dunham
Brother(s)   N/A
Sister(s)   Erica Dunham
Spouse   Chelsea Dunham
Children   None
Other Family   A niece, and grandparents, aunts and uncles, on both sides of his family.
In early 2357 the first set of galaxy class starships where launched. Though not Richard Dunhams original home, it would be for a long time. He had been born into the world only a year before to two Starfleet officers. Wanting to balance career with family, they took a posting on the USS Hagnon, a galaxy class starship. Rick was quite literately born and raised in Starfleet. He didn’t see earth until he was five. Though earth was his ancestral home it was the starship that he grew up in that he ‘called home.’ The USS Hagnon was assigned deep space exploration, and as the starship progressed through each of its five year missions of scientific discovery and research, so did Ricks parents progress through the ranks becoming senior officers onboard. Life for Rick onboard the Hagnon was normal, he went to school, had friends and teased his sister. This sense of normality and quiet existence, combined with a Starfleet upbringing and a drive to emulate his parents motivated him to join Starfleet himself.

But Rick had a independent streak in him, and although it was expected of him to join Starfleet like most of his other ancestors, he wanted to do something different. So he started to learn how to fly and begin his training for a Starfleet career, however only some time passed before increasing tensions with the Klingons and later to the Dominion meant the Hagnon could no longer serve as a ship of exploration instead after an upgrade in space dock it was prepared for war. It was during this galactic escalation that his parents decided to move their children to earth to live with their grandparents, believing rightly that a ship at war was no place for children. This was ok for his older sister who was now at an age that she could join Starfleet (which she did). But Rick was left kicking around the house on his own, but not for long.

To this day Rick is unsure why his farther left a career in Starfleet to come to earth to pursue his scientific interests and a career with a prevalent university, nor will he understand why his mother took the promotion to become the USS Hagnon’s Executive officer and not go with him (or why he didn’t stay with her). But that’s what happened. Rick moved in with his Dad in Moscow and finished his application training for Starfleet academy.

When Rick was old enough he applied for Starfleet university. However his first application never made it passed the first stage as Rick had failed on several engineering and scientific questions. Reapplying himself and the application form he managed to get in the second time, but only just. His years at the academy where nothing special, though he did graduate with a commendation in his piloting skills and his first posting as an ensign was assigned to the USS Agamemnon a defiant class starship.

The Agamemnon was assigned garrison and patrol duty on the fringes of Federation space. They guarded space lanes against pirates, and tracked down smuggles working between the badlands and Cardassian space. Dunham felt at home onboard another starhip and soon made friends with many of the crew, though he never really saw much action at the helm of the defiant class, what encounters they did have with space pirates, showed his talented piloting skills. His commanding officer discussed and recommended transferring to the starfighter wing, were his piloting talents could be used to better benefit Starfleet. Dunham to was soon developing more of a taste for flying got re-assigned to the Star Fighter Core. Where his career has proceeded in flying Razors, Valkyries, and Peregrines from Starships and Space Stations.

Rick has met and fallen madly in love With Commander Chelsea Adams; the ships chief medical officer. They are now blissfully married.


Service Record
Starfleet Academy. Graduated with Honours and marked for Pilot training.
Ensign USS Agamemnon (Defiant Class) Helmsman.
Assigned to Star Fighter Core as fighter Pilot.
USS Roosevelt (Akira Class) Bravo Wing.
Starbase 47 (Stardock Class Starbase) Zeta Wing.
Promoted to Wing Commander Re-assigned Deep Space 5

In recognition of outstanding service and for carrying out his duties in an exemplory, courageous and dedicated manner, Rick was promoted to the rank of Commander.


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