Arrival Abby-Mae Wyatt   
[ Non-Playing Character ]

Character Information
Name   Abby-Mae Wyatt
Rank   Arrival
Position   Civilian
Gender   Female
Age   18
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 4”
Weight   0 lbs.
Eye Color   Baby Blue
Hair Color   Black cherry
Physical Description   Short with bright baby blue eyes and a peculiar black cherry hair style which sits just below her shoulder line, abby has certainly got surprises in both her looks and her personality. Abby also has a heart tattoo that is just above her right leg. Finally her skin tone is a dark crimson brown.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Abby is a typical female teen. irrational, naive, short tempered but all of these make her the survivor she is. She loves to be center of attention like any girl of her age does and she loves to be a tease to the boys and she has been known to be a tease to the girls to.

Though she seem's very stereotypical Abby is still a very bright young girl with the aspirations that would inspire many, she wish's to follow in the footsteps of her Father though she wishes to be in security rather than the marines.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Abby's is a fighter and a survivor she is rather intelligent and has an amazing will to strive and to better herself though she is sometimes naive and acts before she thinks anything through.
Abby wishes to become a starfleet security officer and one day be the captain of her own ship.
Hobbies & Interests
Abby enjoys Painting, Swimming and Horse Riding but the sweetness aside she loves to go wild at parties, get into any trouble and she loves to do things she shouldn't.
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Luke Wyatt
Mother   Lillian Wyatt
Other Family  
Abby was born in the year 2372 to Lillian and Luke both two very young parents at the age of 19 themselves who were currently undergoing marine basic training. With the birth of Abby Lillian left the marines as soon as the baby was born. the family had a very rocky time from then to now and the breaking up of Lillian and Luke especially.

Growing up abby never really knew her farther he was always away on duty and her very rarely came home to Earth but this only made her will to join starfleet, make her dad proud and come home to her and her mother Lillian. After going to College Abby sawt the oppitunity to head to Aleron base as an Aid worker where her dad was based her first steps into finding him.

After she arrived there she spent several months avoiding him and fell in love with a Young Marine Eirias who helped her finally meet her fear and confront her dad who was certainly shocked him, infact it shocked him enough to put in a transfer to Ds5 which is where they are now.


Service Record
NPC owned by Luke Wyatt


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