(G) Uhlan - Jnr Officer James tr'Aimne   

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Character Information
Name   James Rh'Nuhir tr'Aimne
Rank   (G) Uhlan - Jnr Officer
Position   Legal Advisor (raihiw'sheh)
Gender   Male
Species   Human/Rihannsu
Age   40
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   160 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Black
Physical Description   A tall slender Rihannsu {Romulan} with slick dark black hair slightly pointed and gentle upswept eyebrows. A broad chin with slight cleft his skin tone is slightly lighter than most Romulans he also is slightly more muscular the other Romulans his human feathers are significantly down played due his half Romulan linage. He has a slightly salmon looking face.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
He is man that his hard to pin down he can cold as ice and fiery and passionate as fire storm, he can calculate, plan, manipulate, deceive, maneuver with best of them. Life is constant chess game for him he combined both his parent’s professions and became a Legal Intercessor
Strengths & Weaknesses
He seeks to build reputation allies and power, using his skills in law and diplomacy to build support and hopes one day to make a play for senate or maybe even to try to be Praetor, or capitalize on the chaos and power vacuum that now exist.
Hobbies & Interests
He enjoys, reading, hiking, camping, lectures, law, treaties, and politics.
Languages   Rihannsu {Romulan} & federastandorerd
Father   D'Lhaerrh ch'Rihan tr'Khev { Romulan Senator}
Mother   Jane Lawrence {Starfleet/federation diplomat}
Brother(s)   N/A
Sister(s)   N/A
Spouse   N/A
Children   N/A
Other Family   N/A
Born in capital city on ch'Rihan {Romulus} due his father position he received a high education he attended the best schools and academies in the empire, after his Serona he studied law, politics, political and social sciences and obtained degrees in all them. Until he was 21 and went to live with his mother on earth for a few years we again he attended some of best schools and obtained degrees in criminal, civil and interstellar law as well as political science. He returned to Romulas and worked as Legal intercessor and political advisor on his father’s staff he found he like the law better politics mainly due the fact he didn’t have look over his shoulder as much as a Legal intercessor and would been constant as a politician. He worked as a Legal intercessor till he was 26 and he decided to join Starfleet’s JAG corps he applied and was accepted to Starfleet academy where he graduated with a double specialty in Law and diplomacy and served as a diplomatic officer and Jag lawyer on several different ships and star bases before his current posting. He served 4 years in Starfleet before returning and shortly there after was appointed to the
Romulan consulate on deep space five.


Service Record
2345- Born on Romulus
2361-2366- Serena
2367- Attends the Romulo equitant to Harvard Law school
2373- Graduated with degrees in Romulan law, political and social science.
2374- goes to live with mother on earth attends Cambridge and Harvard law
2379- graduated with degrees in criminal, civil and interstellar law
Late 2379- applied for Starfleet academy
2381- graduated from Starfleet academy
Late 2381- JAG officer USS DeLon
2383- Reassigned as diplomatic officer DS-12
Mid- 2384 retires from Starfleet and returns to Romulas
2385- Appoint to Romulan consulate on DS5


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