Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer   

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Character Information
Name   Johan Albrecht Weiltzer
Rank   Chief Executive Officer
Position   CEO
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   75
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 11”
Weight   150 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Grey
Physical Description   Johan Albrecht has gray hair and brown eyes. He is on the intimidating side as he stands about 5'11" in height. He has a wise look about him, but also looks like he has seen a lot more in his life than he ever cared to see.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Johan is very outgoing and friendly. He is very open about his personal life, and his Freight Corporation, which he inherited from his parents when they died. He has no issue with telling the truth to people straight up and telling it like it is, but in the same token, he tries to do so politely. He is only aggressive and violent when his life is in danger and has been known to severely injure if not kill anyone who comes at him with any kind of weapons. He is not one to be trifled with.
Strengths & Weaknesses
He is extraordinarily intelligent and brilliant. He uses his past experience in the Intelligence field to his advantage and he does an excellent job with it. He is a sucker for children and animals, which works against him when he is somewhere where he can trust no one, but he still likes children and animals because they represent the innocence that exists in the universe or should exist in the universe.
He wants to eventually be the President of the United Federation of Planets but has his doubts as to whether he will ever become the President. He also wants to make Weiltzer Freight Corporation the biggest and best corporation to ever exist as well as to make it the best and biggest civilian Intelligence group to ever exist.
Hobbies & Interests
Johan loves to play piano, clarinet, and also loves to sing. He loves to actually cook although he gets very little chance to cook, and he also loves to design clothing. He also loves to plan the expansion of his company.
Languages   English, French, Spanish, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, Cardassian, Bajoran, Breen.
Father   Ludwig Helsing von Brunner
Mother   Elisabetha Charlene Weiltzer
Brother(s)   Louis Charles de Fleur
Sister(s)   Sara Michelle Lindgreen-Weiltzer, Louisa Francine McCragun-Weiltzer
Spouse   None
Children   None on record or known to the Federation or the family, however there is the possibility of one illegitimate child.
Other Family   None known on record to be living, at least officially.
Johan Albrecht Weiltzer was born in Berlin, Germany on Earth in the year 2310. He attended Starfleet Academy when he was 18 and graduated with honors. In 2348 he retired from Starfleet with full honors after 20 years of service. He retired as a Commander working for Starfleet Intelligence. After retiring from Starfleet, he gained control of Weiltzer Corporation, a technological research corporation as well as one of the largest freight corporations in the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. After inheritting the company, he became the CEO of the company, and left his younger sister, at the time age 36, running the Weiltzer Corporation branch on Earth. He has a clean record with absolutely no crimes on it, was courtmartialled and found innocent 7 times during his Starfleet Service. He is a very proud and upstanding Federation Citizen.

Commander Johan Albrecht Weiltzer served in Starfleet Intelligence for 20 years. He retired with honors.He is known to have successfully captured or made known to Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies the presence and identities of over 337 spies within the United Federation of Planets. He is also known to have successfully stopped or prevented 192 attacks or planned surprise or sneak attacks upon the United Federation of Planets with information he had acquired through any and all available means. He was awarded 27 different medals and awards for his service to Starfleet, Starfleet Intelligence, the Federation Intelligence Counsel, as well as the United Federation of Planets. He was very well trained in several different martial arts and is extraordinarily brilliant. He is not a man to be trifled with or crossed, but only acts against a person if they have endangered his life. He has no criminal record and no mental shortcomings of any kind, and it is believed that he will live out the rest of his days in peace and happiness.

Upon retiring from Starfleet Intelligence in 2348, Johan Albrecht Weiltzer inheritted the family corporation, Weiltzer Corporation. In March of 2349, Mr. Weiltzer approached the Federation Intelligence Service (FIS). He had an incredible story to tell. After just one year away from the Intelligence field, he was very much missing his line of work, however, he did not wish to return to Starfleet. After extensive research and several extensive checkups and background checks, it was deemed that he could make a decent field agent for the FIS. After passing FIS training, he became a field agent and served us very well. Within 5 years, he became a Senior Field Agent. He has been a Senior Field agent for almost 27 years now. He continues to work for the Federation Intelligence Service, and uses his Freight Corporation as his cover to get information. He is very frequently successful and has had no failures since he joined us. He has been known to act even when he has received no orders, and often doing so brings new information to light that has been known to help out the Federation. Since joining the service, he has successfully stopped 3478 plots against the Federation and successfully captured or brought to light 2576 spies within all the borders of the Federation. He has received 627 awards and medals from the Federation Intelligence Service and continues to work for us. He is very efficient and effective at his line of work, and we hope that he continues to be. His corporation has made an excellent cover for him, and he will continue to use his limitless resources from the Corporation to continue to aid him in his line of work. No one inside the Corporation knows that he works for the Federation Intelligence Service, and he continues to successfully keep it hidden from them. Even the crew of his primary Freighter is unaware of this fact. Also, he has used the corporations resources to further the Engineering of their ships and weapons to the point where they are much more energy efficient and almost twice as deadly as those of Starfleet. Many of his freighters have been known to achieve their standard Warp 8 speeds and to exceed them to the point of successfully sustaining Warp 8.5, and in very few cases, one of which is Weiltzer's own flagship the SS Valdetta, to achieve and sustain warp 9 for a limited time of about three hours, and in one case, sustaining warp 9 indefinitely with the downside of having to keep the Chief Engineer monitoring the readings constantly and constantly resetting them to the exact setting necessary to maintain warp 9.

End Service Record.


Service Record
Johan Albrecht Weiltzer was born in Berlin, Germany on Earth in the year 2310. He attended Starfleet Academy when he was 18 and graduated with honors. In 2348 he retired from Starfleet with full honors after 20 years of service. He retired as a Commander working for Starfleet Intelligence. After retiring from Starfleet, he gained control of Weiltzer Corporation, a technological research corporation as well as one of the largest freight corporations in the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. After inheriting the company, he became the CEO of the company, and left his younger sister, at the time age 36, running the Weiltzer Corporation branch on Earth. He has a clean record with absolutely no crimes on it, was court-martialled and found innocent 7 times during his Starfleet Service. He is a very proud and upstanding Federation Citizen.

Commander Johan Albrecht Weiltzer served in Starfleet Intelligence for 20 years. He retired with honors.He is known to have successfully captured or made known to Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies the presence and identities of over 337 spies within the United Federation of Planets. He is also known to have successfully stopped or prevented 192 attacks or planned surprise or sneak attacks upon the United Federation of Planets with information he had acquired through any and all available means. He was awarded 27 different medals and awards for his service to Starfleet, Starfleet Intelligence, the Federation Intelligence Counsel, as well as the United Federation of Planets. He was very well trained in several different martial arts and is extraordinarily brilliant. He is not a man to be trifled with or crossed, but only acts against a person if they have endangered his life. He has no criminal record and no mental shortcomings of any kind, and it is believed that he will live out the rest of his days in peace and happiness.

Upon retiring from Starfleet Intelligence in 2348, Johan Albrecht Weiltzer inheritted the family corporation, Weiltzer Corporation. In March of 2349, Mr. Weiltzer approached the Federation Intelligence Service (FIS). He had an incredible story to tell. After just one year away from the Intelligence field, he was very much missing his line of work, however, he did not wish to return to Starfleet. After extensive research and several extensive checkups and background checks, it was deemed that he could make a decent field agent for the FIS. After passing FIS training, he became a field agent and served us very well. Within 5 years, he became a Senior Field Agent. He has been a Senior Field agent for almost 27 years now. He continues to work for the Federation Intelligence Service, and uses his Freight Corporation as his cover to get information. He is very frequently successful and has had no failures since he joined us. He has been known to act even when he has received no orders, and often doing so brings new information to light that has been known to help out the Federation. Since joining the service, he has successfully stopped 3478 plots against the Federation and successfully captured or brought to light 2576 spies within all the borders of the Federation. He has received 627 awards and medals from the Federation Intelligence Service and continues to work for us. He is very efficient and effective at his line of work, and we hope that he continues to be. His corporation has made an excellent cover for him, and he will continue to use his limitless resources from the Corporation to continue to aid him in his line of work. No one inside the Corporation knows that he works for the Federation Intelligence Service, and he continues to successfully keep it hidden from them. Even the crew of his primary Freighter is unaware of this fact. Also, he has used the corporations resources to further the Engineering of their ships and weapons to the point where they are much more energy efficient and almost twice as deadly as those of Starfleet. Many of his freighters have been known to achieve their standard Warp 8 speeds and to exceed them to the point of successfully sustaining Warp 8.5, and in very few cases, one of which is Weiltzer's own flagship the SS Valdetta, to achieve and sustain warp 9 for a limited time of about three hours, and in one case, sustaining warp 9 indefinitely with the downside of having to keep the Chief Engineer monitoring the readings constantly and constantly resetting them to the exact setting necessary to maintain warp 9.

End Service Record.


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