Arrival Tilly Madison   

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Character Information
Name   Tilly Annie Madison
Rank   Arrival
Position   Restaurant Owner
Gender   Female
Species   Human
Age   33
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 7”
Weight   130 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Browm
Physical Description   Tilly has lond brown curly hair. Big Blue eyes. Soft, far skin. She wears bright colored dress with a flower or bow in her hair.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Tilly has a bubbly personality. She is a social butterfly. She very sweet, king, and gental hearted. Loves to be in the center of attention.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: street smart, loves to make people laugh

Weaknesses: often puts others before herself
Hobbies & Interests
She enjoys painting, taking pictures, hanging out with her friends
Languages   Standard Star Fleet
Father   Roy Madison
Mother   Crissy Madison
Brother(s)   Tom Madison
Sister(s)   Laura Madison
Spouse   Konyx (Klingon)
Children   none
Other Family  
Tilly spent most of her life on a farm, helping her father out in the fields. Time that she had away; she spent it out in the woods taking pictures. In school Tilly was you average student, often caught skipping class. In high school she was the class clown, always cracking jokes and making smirked comments as much as she could. Her senor year in school she took a change in the student exchange program. She seized the opportunity. He father didn’t approve at first, be he allowed his little Tilly to go.

Tilly jumped on the first ship out to Qro’onS. When she reached there she wasn’t accepted at first. But living there for two years many grew into loving her and treated her as one of there own. 21 years old she met the love of her life, even thou she didn’t know it, his name was Konyx son of ThorD. Konyx was a military man, who despised Tilly at the at most. Tilly moved back to Earth there she got her degree in business. Her brother Tom Madison joined star fleet and soon became Ensign. Tilly joined her brother on the ship as the ships bartender.

There Tilly learned of the different species and learned how to speak and interact with them. Five years past and her brother Tom became Lieutenant Commander of the ship and Tilly was well known among the crew. Growing the love of painting, she often sold her paintings and pictures to costumers just to make ends meet. At the same time, the same ship that Konyx controlled joined forces with the same ship Tilly was on during the Dominion War.

Tom moved Tilly to DS9 in hopes she would be save. Tilly work at Quarks bar for the rest of war. She didn’t enjoy it one bit. Often Konyx came in and Tilly would serve him and they often got into a feuded with one another. One day it became too much for them and Konyx challenged Tilly. Tilly accepted it and both went into to Halo Suit and well they became engaged soon after. After winning the war, Tilly went back to the Klingon Empire to caring on with a traditional Klingon wedding.

A year later, Konyx was back flying threw space and Tilly was left to caring on the estate. Talking it over with her husband, he allowed her to create her own business in star fleet some were…


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