Lieutenant Rex Mett   
[ On Leave of Absence ]

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Character Information
Name   Rex Mett
Rank   Lieutenant
Position   Chief Diplomatic Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Bolian
Age   41
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 4”
Weight   155 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   N/a
Physical Description   Distinguished by light blue skin, slightly leathery in texture and a bifurcated ridge running down the center of the face. Like all Bolians from his continent, Rex has elongated earlobes and a medium blue skin tone. Rex is completely bald and stands roughly around 6ft 4.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
The first thing people say when they try to describe Rex is that he's just a "really nice guy." He has a fun sense of humour, is genuinely friendly, never judges, and offers a smile to anyone. Ambassadors will often request him because of his hospitality and polite manner. He's a gentle and caring father, was a good husband to his wife, and is a dependable, loyal friend.

Rex is extremely dedicated to duty, and has been described as an exceptionally hard worker. He is a chronic ‘workaholic’ who would prefer to be doing something useful and productive than relaxation and like most Bolians, Rex has an affinity for group dynamics and organisation. Rex pays a great deal of attention to his work and enjoys creating order out of chaos. He trys to get thigns right first time and if he doesn’t succeed as long as he gives a task his best effort, a Bolian sees no shame in failing; nothing in the universe is simple and one can always learn from one's mistakes and try again.

Rex like most of his species values knowlesge and enjoys digesting information. He is often the first to deal out advice often on subjects hes not a complete expert in, yet. Rex has been known to conceal his emotions under his hard working exterior. The fear of being alone is also a driving force for the Bolians - being alone is bad enough, to be avoided at all costs, but dying alone is thought to carry the connotation of an eternity of silence.

He never speaks ill of anyone, even those he dislikes, and always keeps a civil tone with even the most abrasive of people. He speaks fondly of his ex-wife, referring to her as "my friend" . Although he will never admit he misses her friendship, he acknowledges their love for one another was no longer romantic. He's had a few relationships since he and Roz divorced, but none have lasted too long.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Languages   Bolian, Federation Standard, Klingon, Cardassian,and Rigellian.
Father   Lom Mett
Mother   Dena Mett
Brother(s)   Heno Mett
Sister(s)   Laxa Mett
Spouse   Ex wife (Deceased) Roz Mett
Children   Daughter - Mia Mett (aged 8).
Other Family  
Rex Mett was born in Bokitu City on Rasara, the largest continent of Bolarus. His parents, a Biology teacher and a lawyer with his own practice, had a small house on the coast. They were well-respected members of the community, and the Mett children were looked upon to serve as the epitome of perfect Bolian children. They were intelligent, charismatic, and succeeded in whatever they did.

Although Rex’s siblings, Heno and Laxa, stayed close to home, the youngest Mett child decided to go off world. His older Brother Heno Mett joined the Bank of Bolias and his sister Laxa Mett became a Hydrogeologist. After completing his schooling on Bolarus; he completed his undergraduate and postgraduate work at University Prime on Bolarus, where he studied History, Diplomacy, and Archaeology, law and public relations. His ease, good nature, positive attitude, and attractive physique won him many friends and admirers. He was the go-to Bolian for anyone having difficulties and was considered a friend by practically everyone he met, students and faculty alike. Rex proved himself to be an apt archaeologist, and historian choosing to delve deeper into off world politics and cultural affairs.

In 2365 he enrolled in Starfleet academy; like many Bolians, Rex found his entrance exams easy and his studies light compared to education on Bolarus. He quickly progressed well in his classes, joining several societies his popularity continued to increase. He was captain of the debate society, the archaeology society. When not involved his is studies and societies he was often found in the sports hall, fencing or in the pool, at the academy he often missed the oceans of Bolarus.

The Dominion War broke out shortly after he completed his cadet training. Starfleet decided that his best use would be working for the Diplomatic Corps. He spent the whole of the war traveling from one desolated world to another, attending meeting after meeting, conference after conference. It was during his non eventful war that he wrote several papers detailing Diplomatic procedures on the "outskirts" of society with few tools with which to work, and how to resort to more "aggressive" forms of diplomacy.

It was here that he met his wife, Roz Sar, a Bolian counselor involved in the Diplomatic Corps. Their relationship started slowly, but eventually it was undeniable. After the war ended, they both decided to take a psychological "breather" and moved to her home on Earth, the two married later in the year and their daughter Mia arrived the following year.

Rex's duties forced him to work many long hours across the Galaxy and he often struggled to see his wife and daughter. This caused a great strain upon their young relationship. It was while Rex was on secondment to Rinar ll he developed feelings for the human male he was working with, spending several months exploring his new sexuality and encountering much emotional turmoil he divorced Roz when he returned to Earth, too ashamed to admit what he had done.

A year later in May 2381 Roz called to tell him she had been diagnosed with a rare blood disease, one she had contracted during the war, while she had been seeing another partner as well as Rex. She was dying. The doctors gave her only a couple of months. Rex took an official leave of absence from Starfleet and returned to Earth to be with his dying friend and ex-wife. She passed away in October, leaving Rex with their daughter who was a few months shy of her fifth birthday.

For five years Rex blamed himself for the death of Roz, determined to make things right for her, he turned down promotion instead choosing to take an extended leave of absence to raise his daughter on Earth. Eventually Starfleet caught up with Rex and in 2385 Rex was assigned to Starbase DS5 as chief diplomatic officer, he and his 8 year old daughter Mia and their family dog, Benji a West Highland Terrier, now reside on board.

Starbase Information:

Quarters: Deck 28 - Level 1 Classification

Primary Work Decks - Decks 58-60.


Service Record
2344 - Birth

2347 - 2362 - Bolian Education

2362 - 2365 - Undergraduate Studies

2365 - 2370 - Starfleet Academy Cadet

2370 - 2373 - Starfleet Diplomatic Corps Intern

2373 - 2375 - Starfleet Diplomatic Corps (Promoted to Ensign during Dominion War) Personal: Met Roz Sar

2375 - 2376 - Post War LOA Personal: Marriage to Roz Sar

2376 - 2377 - Birth of Mia Mett (Earth)

2377 - 2378 - Pinar ll Secondment Starfleet Diplomatic Corps (Promoted to LT JG) Personal: Divorce from Roz Sar

2378 - 2379 - USS Orchid - Diplomatic Officer

2379 - 2381 - USS Orchid - Asst Chief Diplomatic Officer

2381 - 2385 - Personal: Death of ex wife Roz Sar - Extended LOA (4 years)

2385 - Pres - Starbase Deep Space 5 - Chief Diplomatic Officer (Promoted to full Lieutenant)


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