Arrival James Scott   

Character Information
Name   James Michael Scott
Rank   Arrival
Position   Civilian
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   80
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   164 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   James looks like any normal person and there are really no physically unique traits about him other than a few scars that are pretty much unable to be noticed except if the light hits them just right.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
James has an outgoing and friendly personality, however, when it comes to business he takes it seriously. One look from him can scare or intimidate most people, even the toughest Klingon, and he doesn't take anything off of anyone.
Strengths & Weaknesses
He is an extremely good fighter and extremely stealthy. He has connections in many places that keep him informed on things he needs to be aware of.

He is getting old and as such is a bit more fragile than he once was although he does conceal that fact very well.
His only ambition is to make the Scottish Technical Research Corporation into the biggest research, development, and production company that anyone has ever seen and to make sure that they are producing equipment for all customers equally so that his son actually has something to inherit that will leave him in a very good position.
Hobbies & Interests
James is very musically talented and enjoys his free time performing music.

He also enjoys coming up with new designs for ships used by his company.
Languages   Federation Standard, Vulcan, Klingon, Ferengi, Romulan, Cardassian, Breen, Tholian, Andorian, Orion
Father   Charles Louis Scott - Deceased
Mother   Ella Margaret Scott - Deceased
Brother(s)   All of his brothers are either dead or have lost contact a very long time ago with him.
Sister(s)   All of his sisters are either dead or have lost contact with him a very long time ago.
Spouse   Unknown - Deceased
Children   James Michael Scott IICharles Thomas ScottPatricia Whitfield Scott
Other Family   Courtesy of his children he has many grandchildren. By his oldest son he has 9 grandchildren.
James went into Starfleet Intelligence at a very young age and stayed there until he retired. Upon retiring from Starfleet Intelligence, he was approached by the Federation Intelligence Service and offered a job with them.

He accepted the job with the FIS and remained there until he retired.

Since his retirement, he has begun a civilian shipping and trade fleet that operates both inside and outside the Federation with offices on over five hundred different planets. The Scottish Technical Research Corporation currently consists of approximately 200 ships all of which are in continuous operation with only occasional stops for supplies, repairs and refits.

James himself is the CEO of the company and under the advisement of several former colleagues, he has decided that the company needs a second headquarters office on a Starbase or a Colony in case any kind of attack damages or destroys the central headquarters on Earth.

James has still been known to assist the various military and intelligence organizations of locations he has been assigned to when and if it also holds some form of benefit for either himself, his family, or his company.

The Scottish Technical Research Corporation researches, designs, develops, and experiments with new technologies and new technological theories in an effort to further improve upon or replace existing equipment. Among their largest customers are The Federation Council, Starfleet Command, The Romulan Senate, The Romulan Imperial Fleet, The Klingon Council, and the Klingon Defense Forces.

The corporation does not trade technology belonging to any customer to any other customer and any customer seeking such a technology gets turned away and barred from doing business with the STRC forever, however, the Corporation has been known to create new and similar technologies with certain minor differences obviously having to exist due to the difference in designs or purposes for various customers.

If a customer gives them any of their equipment or technology for modification, they are advised that they will not receive the original piece of equipment back under any circumstances, however, any modified version of the original piece of equipment or its specs will be freely accessible to them and they may place orders and make payments for the modified versions at any time that they may desire them.

James is very adept at knowing the laws enforced on businesses, ways around those laws, and also how to avoid getting himself into a pickle with regards to how his company does its business.


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