1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady   

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Character Information
Name   Daniel James Kristian Brady
Rank   1st Lieutenant
Position   Marine Executive Officer
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   25
Physical Appearance
Height   6’ 2”
Weight   179 lbs.
Eye Color   Blue
Hair Color   Dark Brown
Physical Description   Daniel Brady stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs a light 179lbs. He has bright blue eyes that have a look of steeliness to them although this is not the case. Brady’s hair is seen o be quite messy and unkempt to someone who does not know him when in fact it is cut and styled to the standards and regulations required. When seen training without a shirt on, Daniel has a handsomely toned body with seemingly chiseled biceps and abs. Daniel’s smile shows brilliantly white teeth that are perfectly straight without any imperfections to them.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
Daniel ‘Joker’ Brady can make you laugh. He can make you cry. He also has the ability to make you both laugh and cry at the same time. Due to this outstanding ability to make a person both laugh and cry, Daniel was given the nickname during his Marine training of the ‘Joker’ by his fellow platoon members.

There are usually three sides to Daniel’s personality:
1. The side which most people see – the funny, caring, joking side.
2. The side only his enemies see – the cold-hearted, steely eyed killer side.
3. The side only his mother and the girls he likes see – the romantic side.

Daniel is always seen to be smiling, laughing and even cracking a joke, hence the appropriateness of the nickname ‘Joker’. When the situation becomes serious though, Brady’s attitude and demeanor will change like the click of two fingers from being extremely caring, funny and somewhat outlandish to cold, hard, steely eyes and down-right aggressive due to his upbringing, training and experiences.

When it comes to liking girls, Daniel is hopeless, or better said, the hopeless romantic of the family although he does know exactly what he is doing. When Daniel finds the right girl for him, he is forever loyal and will do right by her and do anything for her, whatever it is.

Overall, Daniel James Kristian Brady is one of the few honest good guys left in what seems to be the human race and will do anything for his family and is one of the best people to have as an ally though one of the worst to have as an enemy.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Having a level head in any situation that arises.
+ Being there for his platoon and fellow comrades through thick and thin.
+ Knows all types of weapons and defense systems from that of human to that of Klingon.
+ Being a good role model to younger Marines and setting a good example.
- Being too compassionate with people he doesn’t know too well.
- When he gets involved in a battle situation, Daniel will not give up until the enemy or target is destroyed.
To become the best Marine possible and eventually find the right girl and settle down with her and start a family.
Hobbies & Interests
Loves playing all types of sports and mixed martial arts including ninjitsu and jujitsu.
Weapons (all forms of them)
Weaponry systems
Training with his fellow Marines on the holodecks
Chilling out to music
Languages   Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Vulcan
Father   Skyler John Brady
Mother   Cassidy Anne Brady (nee: Marriot)
Brother(s)   Xavier Steven Jack Brady, Bradley Liam Brady, Damian Leigh Brady, Samuel Gregory Brady, Nikolai Simon Brady
Other Family   Some extended family back on Earth
Growing Up

Daniel James Kristian Brady was born 24th September 2360, in Vancouver, Canada, to proud parents Skyler John and Cassidy Anne Brady and older brothers Samuel Gregory and Nikolai Simon Brady. Growing up, Daniel was constantly surrounded by his brothers and therefore really didn’t have to feminine touch as his father Skyler had divorced his mother Cassidy when he was just 5 and a half, almost 6.

At the age of 4, Daniel was introduced to the world of martial arts and excelled in most forms, especially karate and judo. It became evident through the many fights with his brothers and father that Daniel was going to be a handful when he reached elementary school. That statement proved no ounce of mistruth. When he turned 5 and started elementary school, Daniel was continuously starting and causing fights with the other kids as he was getting bored with the class work and wanted to be more active. Daniel excelled at many sports as well, placing him in the state and national championships for sports. At the age of 11, Daniel finished elementary school and progressed onto high school, being suspended numerous times and expelled for causing and being involved in fights. His parents decided together, even though they had been divorced for some time now, that because of his rowdiness, fighting and disturbances in class, Daniel would be sent to military school in the slim hope of it settling him down just enough to make him a decent human being.

Military School Life

Daniel really enjoyed his 5 years at military school as he learnt so much more about the military life than what he would have at just the normal high school. He even figured out his entire future after being there around 2 years. He was introduced, by his fellow military cadets, to the world of legalized cage fighting, ninjitsu and mixed martial arts involving weapons. This allowed Daniel to do what he loved, fight, and get the feeling of exoneration of being physically active without getting into trouble over it. In the back of his mind, there was always the possibility of following his older brother Nikolai’s footsteps and joining Starfleet as a Marine, although he did not express any indication of wanting to join out loud. He graduated at the age of 17 at the top of his practical classes, having set new records for most activities and he graduated towards the middle of his theory classes. Having finished school, Daniel was working until he was old enough to sign up for the Marines, something his grandfather and older brother Nikolai did for a career.

Marine Boot Camp

Nothing out of the ordinary happened with Daniel Brady during his time at Marine Boot Camp, except for receiving the honorary nickname of ‘Joker’ by his fellow Marines as he was always the one to crack a joke at the most random of times, even out on the bush phases. This earned him favor amongst the higher ranking officers. Daniel topped many of the record set previously by Marine Recruits and aced the practical side of things as well. At the age of 21, Daniel ‘Joker’ Brady graduated #1 in all of his classes and majored in Advanced Weaponry and Stealth Technology. He was assigned aboard the USS Pegasus as a Weapons Specialist at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.


Service Record
2378 – 2381: Marine Officer Training Academy

2382 – 2384: USS Pegasus – Weapons Specialist

2385 – Early 2386: Working with Starfleet Intelligence and Marine Corps

Early 2386: Accepted onto USS Discovery – Executive Officer

Present: Reassigned to Deep Space 5 - Marine Executive Officer


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