1st Lieutenant Joseph Bailey   

Character Information
Name   Joseph Edward Bailey
Rank   1st Lieutenant
Position   Platoon Commander
Gender   Male
Species   Human
Age   24
Physical Appearance
Height   5’ 10”
Weight   154 lbs.
Eye Color   Brown
Hair Color   Brown
Physical Description   Looking distinctly average, Joseph doesn't particularly stand out from a crowd. Not a particularly thick set man, he is often regarded as slight, in comparison to many of his comrades.

With scruffy brown hair and a youthful face, the young solider has often been viewed as younger than his years, with a 'boyish' appearance.
Personality & Traits
General Overview
With an acid tongue that has the ability to talk without expressed permission from his brain, Bailey is a man of attempted wit and heavy sarcasm.

A man with a fondness for the strange and perculiar, he is often seen such a light, with conversation being a potential minefield of oddities and rash behaviour or comment.
Strengths & Weaknesses
His greatest strength is arguably his greatest weakness. His ability to, and later dependance on being able to, 'wing it'. To have no particular forethought into his actions, but to improvise and seemingly let things wash over him, or allow momentary inspiration to strike him.

However, when it does not, the Jekyll & Hyde nature of this trait exposes it to be a weakness as well. Along with his sloth-like behaviour and attitude at times.
A character of simple ambitions, the young officer's main ambitions is to live as long as he can, and with luck, one day reach the rank of Major, for no particular reason other than the presitge of the rank.
Hobbies & Interests
Aside from being a heavy socialiser, Joe attempts to collect hobbies that are out of the ordinary. Being a keen kite flyer and fine wine collector, the soldier tries to avoid the stereotypical activities of a marine, such as relentlessly cleaning, naming and general loving of his rifle.
Languages   Federation Standard
Father   Gareth Bailey
Mother   Lt. Taylor Brewer
Brother(s)   Maj. Ricardo Brewer, Ens. Gordon Brewer, Cpl. Daniel Brewer
Sister(s)   Michelle Brewer
Spouse   N/A
Children   N/A
Other Family   Second cousins with Lt. Daniels, tactical officer on the USS Enterprise-E, 2373-2375
(Events shown in First Contact & Insurrection)
Born in England in 2361, Joe was the son of an Admiral's secretary and a shop owner.

Being the second eldest of the family's 3 sons and 1 daughter, the Bailey family relocated when Joseph was aged 12 after his mother was reassigned with the Admiral to the chill of Russia.

Finding the move quite difficult, Joe still nonetheless had quite a sheltered life, never really being allowed his own complete freedom.

Always being labelled as a child with great potential, he never quite had the work ethic to fulfill this, and as such plodded along as a mid-grade student. One who could have done so much better, but instead searched for fun above academic studies.

Despite the potestation of his family, Joe seeked a more freeflowing life than he had previously been subjected to. Leaving his Russian home at the age of 18, having never quite settled in the country well.

Unsure of what to do with his life, the young Bailey made his way back to England and stayed with his Grandparents for several months whilst he considered his optiions and attempted to reunite his childhood friends, however, when he found them all to have gone off-world through either Starfleet, the Marines or merely trading vessels, he made his mind up.


Service Record
Joining the Marine Corps in 2280 aged 19, the story of his education stayed true for his officer training.

Never punching above the higher bands of mediocrity, Joseph reverted to his 'I'll wing it' policy, hoping that his natural ability and luck would guide him through his training.

Whilst possessing a fair amount of leadership ability and tactical knowledge, it did not stop the younge officer from spending much of his time socialising, either with alcohol, or wreckless stunts such as shuttle racing, or on one or two occasions, a mixture of both, resulting in some disciplinary action.

Graduating Officer training as 7th in his class, he was surprisingly assigned to the Galaxy class USS Gemini despite his good performance.

Aboard the Gemini, the young soldier excelled himself in training his soldiers to become a skilled military unit, despite his often unorthodox methods, which would attract notice from his superiors.

Regular involvement in away missions, a commendable performance repelling a ship-wide invasion and a diplomatic rescue mission earned Joseph a promotion in 2384, though with the decomissioning of the Gemini a year later, the marine was forced to seek reassignment.


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