New Mission!

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Title   New Mission!
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri May 20, 2011 @ 1:52pm

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Hi Folks,

In addition to the current mission I will be opening up a second mission titled Things Past. This mission will remain permanentaly open and be available for those of us who like to go into the detail of their character's backgrounds, either expanding on events that might be mentioned in passing in their bios or not even considered at all at the time the character was created.

It should allow us to keep the mission specific timelines a little cleaner and a bit easier for us (me?) to find our character(s)'s backstories without having to sift through entire missions (albeit guided by the wonderful maps provided by Notty!).

The other benefit is that those of you who are only interested in current event will be able to avoid reading through backstory. ;)

Posts in Things Past will count as normal to the player's and to the station's monthly post count.

If I have time this weekend I'll start moving backstory posts into this new mission.

What goes in the current mission?

Any post that happens in the current timline or is grounded in the current mission. This would include posts in which a character reflects on events from their past, posts in which time travel is involved even if characters are taken back in time (you know who you are!), posts that take place off the station but in the same general time period as the main mission, backposts that take place within the timeframe of the current mission.

Please try to give as clear a Location and timestamp as possble e.g. SD37. 17:00

What goes in 'Things Past'?

Posts that are out of the context and timeline of the current mission. This would include posts that take place in a character's history, posts that take place in the time period of a closed mission but were not written at the time

Please state a location and the year in which the events of the post take place.

Any questions, drop me an email!

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer
Deep Space Five