Any minute now...

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Title   Any minute now...
Category   General News
Author   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 9:26am

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Hi everyone

s I'm involved in a collection of JPs just now, I thought it would be easier to just to let everyone know that I could disspear suddenly at any minute now, for an unknown length of time.

The reason is I'm due to give birth tomorrow, but baby, having its own schedule, may or may not decide to arrive on time, so I'm pressing on until the last possible mintue, which could be tody, or could be not for another two weeks. Likewise I'm hoping that I'll be back on-line within a few days of going off-line , at least enough to read emails and such. However, it all depends on what happens when baby finally puts in an appearence.

In the mean time, plese feel free to borrow the Box of Deligths for whatever shennanigans you desire.

And for those of you I'm writing with right now, please accept my apologies in advance if I suddenly stop responding, I hope to be back with you as soon as I can.

Many thanks