A few plot points to keep in mind ... and call for volunteers for missions ...

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Title   A few plot points to keep in mind ... and call for volunteers for missions ...
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Nov 18, 2012 @ 11:48am

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Hi all,

An away team is currently writing a JP on the mystery ship and will soon bring
that back to DS5 and seal it in a quarantined bay for further investigation once
certain samples have been processed. This will be around 12:00 by the time they
get back.

Now that the fighter wing has flown the recon mission to Ivor Prime (great post
folks!) a second away team will head off to Ivor Prime to make contact with the
colonists and help them out.

Please can we have volunteers for writing this away mission. It will be
completely in your hands how this plays out. Clearly, if your character is on
this mission you'l miss everything that's happening on the station, but NPCs are
always welcome from those who want to be part of both! Just choose where your
main character is best placed and let me know!

At 16:00 things are really kicking off on the civilian arc as an explosion at
the Cardassian Embassy rips through the promenade. The Cardassian Ambassador is
left in a coma (to be revived when Ben returns to activity) this leaves the way
open for Thom's NPC Hydel Turvan to be the main Cardassian involved in the
Diplomatic negotiations. These were posted earlier, but also begin at 16:00.

I'd like to see an investigation into the event and would like to know who'd
like to be involved in that.

Aside from those main events have fun, and lets see some reactions from your
