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Title   Apology
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Nov 04, 2011 @ 6:30pm

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Hi folks.

I know I have not been very active for the last 2 weeks as we have been preparing our company Summer Brochure but I'm afraid that I am going to be LOA for the next 3 weeks, as next week I am at the World Travel Market, then for the 2 weeks after, I'll be leading a team loading the summer 2012 brochure.
After spending all day glued to a PC terminal, I won't feel like switching on my PC.

Any ongoing JPs, then please, feel free to wrote me in with a nod, or a growl (as if LOL) .

I'll catch up with what I can tonight, but when I do return, we will be pushing on with a new mission.
The Romulan mission is going to take a sideline, until Lou is back up to speed and able to lead, so the next mission will be a simple mission, tying up loose ends so that we can start anew.

If any of you want to come up with a nice EASY scenario for us to follow, then you are more than welcome, otherwise, it will be a straightforward "Integration" mission for the USS Horatio (I'm cheating a little here as I have no real mission laid out ;)

We have some new and returning players, so say hello to them especially Petro, our former Quartermaster who makes a welcome return.

Have fun,
