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Title   DS5 OOC
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Jan 14, 2011 @ 10:13pm

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Thanks Lou, it is so good to be back!! (And such a releif)

As most of you now know, we have suffered for the last few weeks, but for the newer crew, can I point you to our Out Of Character site, which for the last couple of weeks, has been the main centre of contact.

Some of you have not yet signed up, even if it is just for occasions like we have just suffered, but also as the best place to pick up our "Timelines" so wonderfully crafted by Yolanthe, our resident Bar Manager and possibly the best looking woman on DS5, next to Tasha of course!.

It's not just an OOC site, it is also where our off ship voting is carried out and in the next few days, I am going to put up 2 polls, one for the "Crews Choice" and the other for the "Best Newcomer" as we have had a few peeps come and join us, only to find the anchor had been severed and DS5 was set adrift.

SO log in and click the link at the top of the page and register!

Whilst writing about voting, you can also elect to nominate ANY player for an award, using the "Award Nomination" at the bottom of your user panel, so feel free to nominate, but remember, also include a link to a post or 2 with your reasons why you thin a player should get an award AND if you are able, you can also select "Sim of the Year" and "Player of the Year" by submitting your nominations to me, to forward onto our TGCO.

Cheers folks,
