Timeline & Advancing

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Title   Timeline & Advancing
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Jan 02, 2012 @ 10:59pm

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Hi folks.
First off, Happy New Year to all :D

Any posts now left in the old mission, can we please get them posted up by the end of this month. Thanks

The new mission "Incommunicado" has a Station Day of SD40, but we are approximately 2 weeks along. So rather than confuse things, can you make the current mission Day 55, that's SD55. Please alter your posts accordingly. Anything written at SD40, can be deemed a backpost, as I cannot see anything that has yet had an impact on posts thus far.
This will help all of us, by starting with a clean slate so that some of you guys who are struggling, can come in with a fresh approach.

So what happens between SD36 and SD55.... for THIS MONTH only, you can post any BACKPOST (making sure they are clearly marked so that Notty knows where they belong) within this time range, but as of SD56, we will start to see the impact of communications failures with Starfleet and the outer reaches. The following day, we will see the communications range shorten drastically.

This will involve every player, from Engineering, to Flight and everyone in between. Civilian and Ambassadorial staff will be the first to notice communications issues, as they will not have the data and communications links that Starfleet has, but it won't be long before we are all affected.

So, we will see how the story develops and what is thrown up at us.

Enjoy :D
