More Welcomes!

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Title   More Welcomes!
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Feb 24, 2013 @ 12:24pm

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Please join us in welcoming aboard two new players.

One brave soul has taken on the Ambassadorial mantle. Peuge, played by Jeremy will represent the Ferengi Alliance as Ambassador to the Federation. His unique and quirky chjaracter should be a great additional to the diplomatic community.

Our second welcome is to Cliff who is taking on the role of Chief Counselor as well as filling the vacancy in the diplomatic department. The Chief Counselor, Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel is going to have his work cut out for him. He will come aboard during SD71 in response to a call for aide from DS5, we hope it will be the beginning of a long stay.

JPs a-go-go!

On behalf of your local friendly Command Team