Ranks and positions

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Title   Ranks and positions
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 12:39am

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Folks, I must stress a number of things in regards to Deep Space Five.
There are rules to follow and though I am not a person to stringently enforce rules, some recent events have made me look at how the station is run.

I draw your attention to the "Chain of Command" on Deep Space 5

If you have any problems, your XO, is your first port of call, then the Captain, then your TFCO before your TGCO. If you do not receive a satisfactory response, then this can be taken higher.

Secondly, ranks and positions.
Please remember, that you cannot have an NPC above your own rank, unless it has been specifically approved by the XO or CO.
This is to ensure that no toes are stepped upon and to allow creativity within a boundary.

Thirdly, the most important rule, and one each of you will have seen in your approval email from DS5 and is available here http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=rules, the first rule is to respect each other!
And also remember, that all that is asked is a single quality post per month. This can be a Personal log, or a JP or a Post, but I expect each of you to sign in regularly, or you will be removed unless an LOA is sought, and I NEVER disallow an LOA.

