Weiltzer Corp Databases

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Title   Weiltzer Corp Databases
Category   Out of Character
Author   Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Fri Jun 26, 2009 @ 5:24am

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I will be updating the Weiltzer Corp Databases in the near future to show each class of Weiltzer Corp vessel and their specs, as I develop them. I am not good with graphic design, so anyone willing to help create images of the respective vessels, please contact me. I will be putting up the specs as I create them. Also, each class will specify the vessels and/or number of vessels of that class within Weiltzer's 9421st Fleet, which is 'headquartered' on DS5. I intend to be as thorough as possible and to by the end of this massive project to have Weiltzer Corp seem like a more realistic organization with a specific structure. I also intend to be working on a kind of 'romance' JP between Weiltzer and the NPC that is his Aide (Charles LaFleur), and as much as I would love to keep that character as an NPC strictly played by me, I haven't been very good at filling his shoes, so anyone who feels they can fill those shoes, or who would like to work on that JP with me, is welcome to do so and obviously it will count as a post. I also was trying to think of ways to get my organization more involved in the plotline, and to be honest, I got lost and have no clue about anything that is going on. Probably a bit of a side effect of having 10,000 things going on at the exact same time at work, at my apartment, and at home with my family. Therefore, anyone willing to work on a JP and fill me in on what is going on in the process, please contact me, and also anyone good at graphic designs and willing to help me with the graphic design work to fit the Weiltzer Corporation vessels, please get in touch with me. I could use as much help as possible on it. Thank you.

Fleet Admiral Johan Albrecht Weiltzer
Weiltzer Corporation