Quarterly Nominations

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Title   Quarterly Nominations
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Oct 01, 2010 @ 9:38pm

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I don't know who made the submission, but I want to say "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart.
This means a great deal to me, having never won it in the history of DS5 and I am overwhelmed with nothing but admiration for each and every one of our crew.
Bless you all.


Quarterly nominations – Summer Taskforce 21.

CO for the quarter

Captain Tasha Tahir – DS5

I would like to nominate Mark Cooper aka Capt. Tasha Tahir. for the Summer
TF CO of the Quarter because he is a true 'unsung hero' and deserves to
know how much he is appreciated. We don't say thank you as often as we
should and Mark is so modest and unassuming that he wouldn't seek
acknowledgement. Personally, I think this makes him all the more worthy.

It's CO's like Mark that keep players in the Obsidian Fleet. He's a
credit and a bonus to this Task Force and I would ask if you would please
consider him for this award to help his crew say a long overdue thank you
to him.

Mark is a natural leader always offering his support and encouragement to
his crew. He coaxed us all over to SMS a while ago which was a
blood-transfusion that took SD5 into the new generation of simming. The
OOC list remains in the old format and inadvertently serves as a reminder
of how much the SMS has improved the way we play now. Now it's an awesome
representation of the sim, the players and the whole atmosphere of what
happens here, all thanks to his endless hard work. We owe him a great big
thank you.

He's a thoughtful CO, always starting JPs all over the base tirelessly
gathering up the players who haven't been so actively involved lately.
He's always encouraged us with awards where appropriate and keeps us in
the loop via the OOC lists. He's first to congratulate and last to
complain and he never tells anyone how hard he works or how heavy the load
is, running a large, diverse, busy sim like this nor how diplomatic he has
to be to keep lots of strong and very different characters happy.

DS5 is a very happy place and the proof of the fact that we feel like a
'family' here is in the high number of long-standing players who would all
agree with me that Mark is the king-pin around which it has always
