Has it been that long!

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Title   Has it been that long!
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Jan 29, 2013 @ 9:25pm

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Yes, over week without my PC. I never realised that there was life outside of a PC... Well, it was fun while it had to be, but boy am I glad to be back up and running, I hate internet on my phone and with a screen that is appalling to type onto.
So, over 400 emails waded through as well as other stuff, I will be catching up on the outstanding JPs tomorrow.

As for the timeline, it was supposed to be advanced last week, but snow and blown PSUs put paid to that, but now, if you have any posts in waiting for SD71, you may post them, but only up to MIDDAY.

I will be starting a department head JP, which was what I was in the middle of when my PC died, to kick start the day but you have a good gist of where we are, with the "Mystery" ship and the rescue mission, have fun!

Thanks for your patience and apologies,
