Quartley Nominations

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Title   Quartley Nominations
Category   Out of Character
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Sep 15, 2010 @ 11:29pm

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From Rear Admiral TheleK Uvar:

Hi Gang,

Hows things.. hope you all have had a great summer and that autumn will be even greater. Yes.. uni, school, and work will be back to normal.. as is the weather and traffic here.. (Holland that is).

So on to some business, we now accepting nominations for the Quarterly Awards of Summer 2010.

There are three awards that you and your crews can nominate each other for and they are: TF CO Unit of Merit Award, TF XO Unit of Merit Award, and TF Character Unit of Merit Award. Please have all nominations sent to me at (tf21@obsidianfleet.net) on or before the 23rd of September.

(I already received some but the more the merrier... Remember you can nominate who ever you want, not necessarily from your own ship or own TG).

Lets get some awsomeness going here.

TF21 rocks.. I think..
