JP anyone?

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Title   JP anyone?
Category   Out of Character
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 6:35pm

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I'm looking for someone who would like to write a JP with Isha on the evening of SD36. It needs to take place within the Embassy, so all you need to do is to think of a reason to have made an appointment with her.

I'm trying to pin down the character of a new NPC I've recently made and to add a little to the mental shift that Isha is undergoing - I thought it might be less of an info dump as a JP.

Perhaps we could base it around someone having been on Vulcan the days the events alluded to in this post occured, or just someone who recalls them being reported and her name:

PC or NPC, I don't mind.

You'll really be helping me. :)
