Simm Year

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Title   Simm Year
Category   Out of Character
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Dec 20, 2012 @ 2:00pm

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As we all know DS5 is still in 2385, some four years behind the rest of the
fleet. I've sent a proposal to Mark regarding us rolling the clock forward when
the current mission ends catching us up in one big bound.

As we never opted out, we are stuck with the whole destruction of Romulus thing
but it's a past event, things have moved on.

I believe that being so far behind the rest of the fleet is a hindrance in terms
of recruting new players, and the step forward, in my view, will give new life
to those of us alrady aboard, as well as attract new blood.

As its your game, not ours, we want to get player's views before we take this

The floor is open!