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Title   LOA
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jun 21, 2012 @ 1:57am

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As from tomorrow evening for 1 week, I'll be on LOA with strictly limited Internet Access whilst I start training for the forthcoming Olympics, and no, I will not be a contestant :LOL:

I'll try to wrap up the ongoing JPs by tomorrow, or it will be by Email and I'll appoint someone to copy my emailed responses in. I'll be home a week Sunday for a week or 2, before I jet off again, this will then be an extended LOA, as I will have no internet access for approximately 6 weeks.
You will in the capable hands of our beloved XO, Louise and our 2XO, Jools.
I know you will manage admirably without me, you always do :D

Keep up the superb work.
