Timeline, posts and awards

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Title   Timeline, posts and awards
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 11:24pm

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Hey folks.
Its been a busy month and we're doing great!

This weekend, I am moving the timeline to Station Day 9, so if you have any posts for SD8, get them up!!

There was a spattering of awards this month, and thanks to all who voted in the OOC Forum Poll for Crews Choice, that went to Opaka Jo'el. Well Done. Can I remind each of you to check you have access, Out Of Character Forum and if not, sign yourselves in and don't forget, the polls are there for you all to vote on.

Other winners this month were:-

Vincent Tae Tan - Meritorious Newcomer of the Month Award
Jarred Wallace - Non-Player Character Award
Richard Dunham - Plot Development Citation & Professional Merit
Zorana Marie Kasikova - Obsidian Fleet Service Citation
Jayfe Devero - Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit
Isha t’Khellian - Captain's Personal Merit & Friendship Ribbon
Chelsea Adams - Friendship Ribbon

Great job everyone, though really, your all winners :D
