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Title   Greetings
Category   General News
Author   Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex
Posted   Sat Nov 22, 2014 @ 7:41pm

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Thanks, Lou, for the very kind welcome, and hello to everyone else. It's great to be back on DS5. I look forward to posting with you and I know Jools does too. To introduce our characters we have concocted a mini-mission to take place apart from the main action on the station. It will chronicle our journey to you, but because we don't want to post by ourselves while you are locked down by the mystery illness, we invite you to create a Cadet NPC to post with us. Why Cadet? Well, my idea was that Cade and Amia would be pressed into temporary service as advisors aboard a training ship that is on its way to the station. However, this training ship is also a class project of sorts for these students.

Here's what I pitched to Louise for her approval:

New XO Caden Aldrex and BRI Head Amia Soren are on their way to DS5. At this same time a group of cadets from the Academy are working on a special class project, which is to take an old Springfield class starship to DS5's Dyson Yard where it will be converted into a training ship.

The ship was heavily damaged and patched up after some past incident, and was kept in a drydock for many years while Starfleet decided whether to bring it back or dispose of it. Many of the ship's systems don't work properly. The cadets are taking up the challenge of restoring it to pristine condition. They chose Dyson Yards for the job because it is rarely used. Also the distant location promises a good, long road trip for them.

Starfleet have asked Cade and Amia to go along as advisors. They are to ensure that the cadets make it to DS5 safe and sound. As I said before the ship is in poor shape, a total clunker. Also the weapons have been stripped except six torpedoes for self-defense.

That's all of it so far. A nice little side adventure with plenty of potential. Jools and I will be there, of course, and Lou has pledged to throw in a character. We would love to have more players board, so if it sounds interesting to you then please send a PM to myself and Louise.

Thanks again for having us.