A last push for 2104

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Title   A last push for 2104
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Dec 29, 2014 @ 10:25am

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Hi all!

I've been out with the lurgy for the past couple of days and not had the energy to write. The sore throat has faded to a residual gravel, I can almost breath through my nose again, and the achy legs a fading memory.

Thanks to all who responded to the roll call and thanks to George for sorting out the issue with the new site. Don't forget to register at http://www.polar-horizon.com/DeepSpace-5/index.php/main/index

I'll be writing up the new mission outline over the next couple of days and sharing it with the Command Team for their input. It should be a nice change.

I know its December, but on 29th we have only acheived 17 posts and many players have not achieved the 2 post minimum (LOA/ELOA/RL and people I know to be working on JPs excluded). Lets all try and get a min 200 word solo post out by 31st December - its you, the players who bring life to a sim and if you're not participating ... well, you know.

Lets make one last push to hit a respectable target for December.
