New Mission - Cascade

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Title   New Mission - Cascade
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Sep 23, 2012 @ 12:35pm

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Hi all,

I'm putting the finishing touches to the start posts for the new mission and will post later today.

The title will be Cascade, based on one of the titles for the mission ideas that Matt submitted, one of which concepts has been integrated in our new mission (Pandora's Cascade - Nebula which causes those who enter it to psychologically face their darkest fears). Thanks to everyone who made other suggestions - they are all noted and may be used in the future.

It will begin on SD70 which is several weeks after the end of the mission 'Incommunicado'. To wrap things up, feel free to post things occuring between missions (SD58-SD69) in the new mission - 'Cascade' - clearing marking which SD the avents occur. As ever, anything before that window should go in 'Things Past'

We'll have two starter posts, both titled "It begins with a ..."

The first begins the Ivor Prime Away Mission and the Alien Vessel brought to DS5 Mission this will include all our Starfleet personnel. Its up to your characters which mission you volunteer for.

The second begins the main Civillian Mission which will include all civilians, Diplomats etc, along with any Starfleet personnel who don't fancy the other missions.

As ever, NPCs are welcome regardless of who your primary character is, as are personal subplots, JPs, and unimagined twists

To the old hands, lets make this another great DS5 saga, and to the new bloods, jump right in - don't be shy about picking up a thread, and running with it!

Let's go!
