Awards and rewards

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Title   Awards and rewards
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Aug 05, 2011 @ 10:02pm

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Hi Folks.

You will shortly receive notice of an Anniversary award from OF. These have already been applied to you In Character record, everyone on DS5 that is!
I have also awarded every active player with the June Bronze award.

Summer is nearly over, or so it seems and I expect a large number of you are either on holiday or like me, just cannot find the time to fit in a post in our hectic real life schedules, but all you need do, if your struggling, is to set yourself as LOA from the control panel "Request Status Change" and you will never be denied time away from the station.
Please bear in mind though, that the rule of DS5 is 1 post per month and you have 2 missions to chose from, either the current mission, Judgement or the "Things Past" mission, where you can write about ANYTHING form your characters history, be it a date, a fight or your first day at the Academy!!
Happy Summer days folks.
