Timeline & Mission

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Title   Timeline & Mission
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Aug 26, 2009 @ 10:00pm

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Folks, on Friday, I am going to close "Beg, Steal or Borrow"
As from Saturday, we move fully into the next mission, so if you have any backposts, please get them up and also your saved posts, whatever state they are in. After the new mission starts, I am going to delete the saved ones, so that they don't confuse you in the new mission.

The new missions will be marked as SD14 (Station Day 14 yes, 14, so that means Tasha is just about due on Earth, rather than a few days away).
Any current Time Is Fleeting posts are to be changed to reflect this.

This obviously means you have a few "Missing" days in which you could have done anything, but please reflect that we have a new Cardassian ship docked at the base and also that in this "Interim" period, the USS Sarek will have docked returning some of our lost crewmen, so don't get too confused when we start working on cross posts to the Sarek (marked SD13 USS Sarek)

Any questions, then please ask.

YIPPEE!!! Confusion is abound :LOL:
