New Mission

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Title   New Mission
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Mar 27, 2014 @ 5:40pm

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The eagle-eyed out there will have noticed that a new Mission has appeared on the front screen. Please don't post in there yet, but if there is anything you want to start writing for the new mission that is the one to choose!

We'll be closing the two other missions (Intermission, and Small Things) at the end of March. Any unposted posts will go into 'Things Past' and if anyone wants to continue with the storylines there they can be written within the timescale of the new mission.

If anyone does want to know what's been going on with me drop me an email, I'd rather not post here but am quite open to sharing.

New year, new life, new future for DS5.

The Commander Formerly Known As Villiers.