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Title   Post Rate
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Aug 31, 2011 @ 10:59pm

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The poll has been cast. The majority have asked for 2 posts per month. So from next month, we'll give it try.

We also have a new members on DS5, who are looking for help and guidance.
Our newest member is the Marine XO, 1st lieutenant April McKinnon.

During September, I am hoping to move forward to at least SD40, so if you have any posts in SD39, then try to get them posted.
Hopefully, this will be a short day, as we prepare for a new mission, where the Station will be taken over by Romulan Forces...... as well as one or two other sub plots, though they are also not set in stone!

Anyhow, I would like to try to kick off this new mission by the end of (September) next month.

This will also reset our Station Day to 1 and will be set about 2 or 3 months from current time, to give us all a new outlook and to be able to start afresh. This has also not been set in stone, but please bear this in mind in case you have older posts, which could then be moved to "Things Past".

Keep up the excellent work,
