Looking onwards

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Title   Looking onwards
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Dec 03, 2011 @ 8:34pm

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Hi folks.
It's been nearly a month since I was active and it will take a few days to catch back up, but I am at last back in the frame.
So we have this month to wrap up "Judgement" and move fully into the new mission, Incommunicado.
Thanks Lou for starting this up, we need a change :D
As I settle back in, all the players that have been inactive for 2 months or more will be dismissed. There is a great deal of players that hold up the base, myself included, and it is time to move along.
I'll try to wrap up what JPs are waiting and again, I apologise that work took precedence but the busy time is behind me now and I can get back to us.

If you think any player should be acknowledged for their work over the last 2 months, then nominate using the Crew Award key tot he left and I will do my best to get these granted.

New Crew:
Welcome back to Petro, our former quatermaster and now a Lieutenant JG.

Well done each of you for keeping things going and lets see what comes to us.

Many thanks,
