Day Change!

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Title   Day Change!
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Aug 13, 2014 @ 7:37pm

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Hi all,

We're about to move into day 2 of We All Fall Down - on Sunday as UK meaures it.

There are still some posts going on in day 1 but don't worry about getting left behind. When you post them please clearly mark them:

WAFD Day 1, Post Title

And be specific about time and location in the relevant field.

Good work this month so far. Let's keep the standard we've set for ourselves flying.

You can also make solo posts - these don't have to be mission related. Approximate minimum 200 words please - what is your character doing, having for breakfast, angsting over? We love all that stuff that lets us get to know you off duty, having your breakfast, in the shower ... well, not too much detail. :)

Above anything else we are a free form RPG. I'm providing a structure, but don't be afraid about writing about what you want to write about. Just don't blow up my Station or disrupt the main plot.

Any subplots you want to run, go for it - if you're worried it will be too diverting check with me first. It might be that you have a priceless idea that can spawn a whole new mission arc.



Your local, friendly CO.