With regret......

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Title   With regret......
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Oct 09, 2009 @ 12:08am

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I have emails from 2 players, who through real life involvements, have to leave the station.

1St Lt Daniel Brady writes:
Hi there,

The reason I'm writing to you is to possibly ask you to remove 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady from the SIM.
I am asking you this because I haven't got as much time as I used to, and am in the process of cutting back my simming time.
Unfortunately I have taken on way too much with 7 simms, and I am in the process of applying for the Royal Australian Air Force.

thankyou for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of your crew, I really appreciate it. Please take this email as my resignation from DS5.




And secondly, our favourite diplomat, who has suffered since she had an accident to her hands:

Hi Mark

I regret that I will have to pull back Ayren for now as I have been promoted at my work and therefore have less time to sim and focus on one or two characters only. I love the character, but me having injured my hands and the work load, had taken it's toll on Ayren.

I have a few posts I still want to complete to make her exit make sense too and keep her "alive". She will leave with the Klingon Ambassador to help the Freedom as she cares deeply for Da'nal. I will keep her as an low key NPC on Freedom, just so she won't completely disappear.

I will let you know when I had finished writing her out, if you don't mind, one of which is a good bye post with Rianni

Let me know if it is acceptable to you?


So we must wish them well on their journey in life and bid them Adieu and good luck.

