Moving along

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Title   Moving along
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Aug 08, 2009 @ 3:27pm

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With this mission now under wraps, as next weekend, we are going to jump ahead a few days, rather than a day, for our new mission. We will be moving to Station Day 12
Basically, Mr Wallace will do something untoward :D, which will start a time rift to the future. The brief is listed, so get your old posts done and prepare to jump.
For the new players aboard, you have a week to settle your posts, they all posts must be marked BACKPOST.
Remember to change your mission selection in the drop down menu.

We will also serving as RIO (Restricted Independent Operations) for a TF21 ship, so keep yourselves aware of what's around the station.

Any questions, then drop me an email or a private message.
