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Title   Timeline
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Feb 17, 2010 @ 2:22am

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To try to keep things in perspective as we head into the mission in full, can we keep the current timeline to:
SD17 04:00 - 12:00
Anything prior, can you please mark it as a BACKPOST.

In this timeline we have:

The Ambassador Class Maquis ship on approach. Gabriel leading this.
The clean up of the Promenade, Marine CNC. NPOs / Civilian Crew
The Ambassadors will be looking for Security to be put in place. Tharek / Isha (Karen) / Mathew Totti to lead this.
The Rescue Mission of the POWs. - Wallace leading this with Dunham.
The Morning Debrief. Davies leading this.
The investigation into the Civilian Unrest of the night before and a few heads to bang. Davies will lead, with Gabriel / Villiers
Station repairs, the Brig being a priority and marine CNC secondary. - Freeman leading this.
The Marines should be trying to get back to DS5 - Darson is Leading this.
By Midday, Dorian is to be taken back off active duty as he is re-incarcerated.

I know this is going to leave Science & Medical at a bit of a loss, so Greo / Chelsea / Kreallia, if you have anything you want to do, just go ahead, though we have plenty of NPC action with the Founders / Maquis.

With Mike leaving, he was the keystone of the Founders, so I need someone to take the reigns on this part of the plot.

If I have missed anything, let me know.
